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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • The Trump Administration has launched a denaturalization operation—a project to strip a large
    number of Americans of their citizenship. Denaturalization is a drastic measure that should only
    be taken in the most extreme circumstances. But the administration is dramatically expanding
    denaturalization, using questionable standards and proceedings. As with many other
    components of its agenda, the Trump administration is discarding longstanding legal norms and
    protections by adding U.S citizens to its list of targeted individuals, and thereby sending the
    message that no one is safe in the United States of America.
    These efforts to strip citizenship from Americans are systemic and chilling. They have made
    U.S. citizens fearful that mistakes made years ago on their past applications could be used to
    target them, take away their citizenship, and destroy their lives. The Trump administration’s
    denaturalization efforts have made lawful permanent residents scared to pursue citizenship and
    fully engage civically. What was once a celebratory moment recognizing an immigrant’s
    integration into American life now comes with an undercurrent of fear and suspicion. The Trump
    administration yet again uses draconian and constitutionally questionable tactics in pursuit of its
    nationalist vision of who belongs in the United States.


  • Seems like they’ve been campaigning pretty hard on abortion access. Not sure what else a party that covers moderate right and center with a few moderate lefts could all get excited about. Federal legalization of Marijuana might be popular enough.

    I’d like to see more progressive campaigns but unfortunately it seems like the party needs everyone who isn’t far right to have a chance of beating the christo-fascists. It seems so much harder to motivate voter turnout for Democrats. You can’t just feed them anger, hate and fear, you have to convince them you’re actually going to make things better.

    I didn’t want Biden but isn’t that who the party voted for in the primary? I guess after Trump, a boring, return to normal sounded good to people and I haven’t heard of anyone else running for the Democratic nomination that’s even worth consideration. We had the anti-vaccine loon with zero experience, the congressman I’d never heard of who can’t name anything he would do differently than Biden and was so incompetent he missed the filing deadline to be on the ballot in some states and the lady who also has no experience but seems like she believes in healing crystals. The whole party is a complicated mess but I still find it almost incomprehensible that there is a still a serious possibility of Trump being elected again.