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Cake day: June 16th, 2023

  • Is anyone actually confused about this?

    It’s common knowledge that the Kremlin’s propaganda machine is pushing Trump. But the doltish Americans who support Trump need to believe that they’re not just tools for the Russians. Since they’re both stupid and desperate, it doesn’t take much - they just need something to cling to. And Putin’s given it to them.

    And I guarantee that right now, on Vichy Twitter and truth.social and all the other places where those angry morons hang out, they’re all telling themselves and each other that all of the stuff about the Russian propaganda machine backing Trump - all of the evidence that’s come out sbout Russians funding American conservative influencers and politicians and all of the examples of American conservative influencers and journalists and politicians brazenly sucking up to Putin - that all of it’s just Democrat lies, because after all, Putin supports Harris. He said so.

    And that’s why he said it.

  • They know very well what they are doing. It’s just that their wealth isolates them from the consequences of it. They don’t care about healthcare, climate change, education, unemployment, because that’s for the 95% to worry about. They are rich enough to don’t give a fuck, and they feel safe doing so.

    And that rather obviously describes someone who’s rather obviously mentally ill.

    Specifically, they lack empathy and have little to no conscience, so have little to no concern for the harm their decisions might cause to others. Those are the hallmarks of both antisocial personality disorder and psychopathy.

  • Mm… sort of.

    The US had the enormous advantage of starting its life with material resources of which most can only dream, so it couldn’t help but achieve some fairly significant success, and as long as things were relatively easy, it generally did. But it never quite managed to pull its head out of its ass. Its material advantages made it so that it generally managed to get by in spite of the fact that it’s head was firmly lodged up its own ass, but that also meant that it never learned anything. So it just stayed in a diminishing circle of bad decisions until it reached a point at which smart decisions were necessary, and it revealed itself to be mostly incapable of making them.

    And at the moment, it’s actually subject to a mass movement that lauds the days of the bad decisions as the good old days, since the people still have their heads too far up their asses and can’t recognize the reality that they were always bad decisions, that the prosperity that accompanied them was simply due to the US’s enormous material advantages and in spite of, rather than because of, the bad decisions, and that a return to those bad decisions in an era in which those material advantages have been squandered is just going to make things even worse.

    Which, granted, is still sort of a “good run” - much smarter people have still failed to do even close to as well, since they were stuck starting out with pretty much nothing but disadvantages.

    But one can’t help but wonder what could’ve been had we not had our heads so firmly lodged up our asses…

  • It’s really very, very simple.

    Regulation of things like pollution serves the interests of the people broadly, but undermines the interests of a handful of obscenely wealthy sociopaths.

    And much of the current Supreme Court explicitly works NOT to serve the interests of the people broadly, but to serve the interests of the obscenely wealthy sociopaths.

    And that’s it, right there. Just as has happened in numerous past civilizations, the power structure in the US has become so warped and corrupted - so entirely in the control of sociopaths - that it not only no longer even pretends to serve the interests of the people, but tends to explicitly work against their interests.

    And the hell of it is that the ruling class is so far gone in corruption and shallow self-interest - so sincerely deeply mentally ill - that they don’t recognize that ultimately they’re working against their own interests - that serving the interests of the people maintains the health of the society from which they benefit, and that working against the interests of the people undermines that health. Like any other mindless parasite, they’re going to destroy their host, and in so doing, ultimately destroy themselves.

    And the US will just be added to the ever-growing list of societies destroyed through the machinations of a relative few profoundly mentally ill people granted undue wealth and power.

  • I pessimistically expected that.

    If he bowed out and the Dems nominated a halfway decent candidate (which they likely wouldn’t do, but that’s a different subject), they’d demolish Trump. He’d lose so badly he couldn’t even pretend it was fraudulent (though of course he’d claim that anyway, since he has the emotional maturity of a spoiled five-year-old). The race would instantly go from a terrifying risk to a complete rout.

    But between Biden’s ego and the DNC’s determination to stick with a wholly-owned establishment neoliberal hack at all costs - even if it means losing - I expected that they wouldn’t take this golden opportunity.

  • So as near as I can tell, the Supreme Court’s goal is to create some vague illusion that corruption is not to be tolerated by making it a crime if and only if people with a specific interest in a specific ruling or piece of legislation offer a substantial amount of money or something of equivalent value while clearly communicating their intent to buy the influence of an official and said official then accepts the bribe, clearly announces their intent to act according to the bribe-payer’s wishes solely because they’ve been paid to, then does so.

    And in literally ALL other cases, it somehow won’t count and will be entirely legal.

  • The whole “politically motivated” complaint is such a brazenly dishonest diversion that it just astonishes me that people use it, much less get away with it.

    Alito told a filmmaker posing as a conservative activist that ProPublica “gets a lot of money” to dig up “any little thing they can find,” suggesting the reporting was politically motivated.

    How does that even matter?

    The simple fact of the matter is that, whatever their motivations might be, people either are or are not going to find evidence of corruption, and the one and only thing that determines that is whether or not such evidence exists.

    Alito, were he so inclined, could’ve very easily have made it so that nobody, no matter how determined or for what reason, could’ve uncovered evidence of his corruption. All he had to do was not be corrupt.

    If there was no corruption there could be no evidence of corruption, and then even the most sinister and underhanded attempt to make him look bad would fail.

    On the other hand, if there is evidence there to be found, then the motivations of the people who uncover it are entirely irrelevant - the ONLY thing that matters is what they uncovered.

    Seriously, how does the assertion that something like this is “politically motivated” even have the illusion of credence? How is it met with anything other than a blank look and a “So what?”

  • Mm… no. It’s really not.

    The specific point of all of this was that Google wanted to avoid a jury trial, and the specific reason that they wanted to avoid a jury trial is because a jury trial is much more likely to end up with a much bigger judgment against them. A judge in a bench trial will follow established precedent to arrive at a reasonable penalty, while a jury can and often will essentially arbitrarily decide that they should be fined eleventy bajillion dollars for being assholes.

    So their goal with this payment was pretty much exactly the same as the goal of the motorist who slips a traffic cop a bribe to get out of a ticket - to entice someone with immediate cash in order to avoid potentially having to pay much more somewhere down the line.