Depending on the mindset it can cure your mental issues. Or worsen them when done wrong.
Depending on the mindset it can cure your mental issues. Or worsen them when done wrong.
In my country, when the state finds this out, even if YOU want and enjoy doing work for more than 6h without a 30min break, your employer will get a fine because of you.
Find out who I really am
I mean, chatgpt can easily create basic code without issues.
But as soon as you desire something more it might fall apart and then there is where dumb luck comes in.
I believe that nature will adapt too. Maybe everything is too fast. But once everything will die that cant live in this heat, there will still be nature that developes and mutates just to create a balance again.
And we will definetly survive somehow. Some poor people with redneck engineering but also rich people obviously. There is always a way. Even in chaos and destruction.
Upsides: You can create a cult where they believe in you as a god, because you will live for eternity.
For this enchantment, put your electronic device on the Anvil and…
Nono, you got a point.
I don’t want to transition. I am 100% male and this will not change, but I still wanna dress sometimes like a gothic queen. Will happen for Halloween.
But I still feel like people care. Even small changes on me get attention. I guess it depends if you learned lots of peoplr and friends in University or not.
I think when Learning new people, it might have an influence. But idk. I never tried it because I am afraid.
I can relate.
Everytime I see some Gucci stuff on someone, I feel hard sad for them or sometimes cringe, because all the money they once had, was spent on something worthless in my eyes. They also look more unsympathic by having those brand stuff on them, so its a lot that plays in.
But if they don’t look entirely iced out, then I mostly don’t even notice that the person has Expensive brand clothes or generally popular brands. I mostly see the overall design or the colors besides the Human and the face. I have my energy somehwere else to invest than thinking on ehat brands someone is wearing. A sometimes I secretly judge if they are trying very hard to be something like iced out. (With iced out I mean, trying to look rich with Gucci clothes or something similar)
Hallo, wie kann ich ihnen helfen?
(I thought its real, as cables can look very perfect here.)
I noticed its AI because of the red lights being at one place very… well… like putting some red dots on a sphere or looking through a water drop.
People with 50 behave like they are 80
Pretty sure its totaly wrong. There is no connection.
Chinese food, sushi or Indian Wok, all do not have thr smell, compared to me making a specific rice at home at is entirely unrelated.
Another Person commented with a prpbability of the Mailard Reaction, which sounds like it makes the most sense, but I didn’t broke up yhe topic scientifically to say “yeah, that is exactly it”
I think this makes a bit sense. Yeah
Why does rice smell like Cinema or Popcorn or smth.
I don’t know if its rice specific and neither do I know what rice I used to cook (I’m not Asian).
Lol, thx actually. I finally upgraded my perspective.
The only people I know are polish relatives who live in scotland and well, do have their own custom and creative dishes
Who said the Encryption is allowed to be secure?