There is another alternative to twitter
Its pretty unknown, especially on lemmy, so i dont think many people heard of it, its on something called “the fediverse” and is called “mastodon”
There is another alternative to twitter
Its pretty unknown, especially on lemmy, so i dont think many people heard of it, its on something called “the fediverse” and is called “mastodon”
One time THE ENTIRE WORLD worked together to fix a problem so that means problems arent real
The version that i grew up with was terrible
Im not sure if it counts as a habit, but i never eat fast food
If that doesnt count: i always wash my hands before touching food
Tell that to the random sounds i hear at night that have a 49% of being from a monster beyond human comprehension and a 51% chance of being from my cat
We live in a timeline where open source exists, where computers arent as locked down as they could have been, where encryption is common
Eventually, it will overflow and you will become fascist
Yeah, the comment should have been “me hate titles that starts with this”
AI actually stands for Artificial Incredible harm being caused to the planet
Being in a treehouse is common?
People normally learn the order of the alphabet and the alphabet together, not separately?
I have never heard of the alphabet song until i found a parody of it years after i was supposed to learn the alphabet and never listened to the entirety any version
In the first grades when teachers asked my class to order words based on the first letter, i either managed to figure out which letters came sooner in the order based on previous answers, guessed randomly or got lucky and didnt get chosen(its also been a while since then and i dont remember, i only remember that once that i was hoping i wouldnt be picked while looking at the previous exercises and planning out what random guesses i would say for the order i wasnt sure about)
After that, the only other time i needed to know the order of the alphabet was for an IQ test which was required to be diagnosed with Aspenger Syndrome, where i just randomly guessed
I also managed to not learn left/right for years, which caused more problems, but i managed to learn it thanks to the english political compass(every time i need to know which direction is left/right, i have to think of an image of the political compass to figure out which direction is right, translate that in my native language, check if the direction i needed was right and if not, i know its the opposite direction. I also dont know how to directly translate between left in both languages, but knowing that its the opposite right. I know right because of its second meaning that is present in both languages
What about right now?
Never have i ever learned the alphabet(i am referring to the order, not the letters)
The blog talks about how this changes is also breaking sponsorblock
So killing them saves 1.00074 habitable biospheres?
Project 2025 will ban all correct usages of “POV”
Tl;dr: tries to fix minecraft in a way that would fit as part of an update made by mojang
Recently, there were multiple youtube videos that said minecraft was broken and multiple videos that said they fixed minecraft
All of the suggestions to fix minecraft either felt like modded minecraft, only considered how they play and prohibiting people from building, missing the point of some structures, making features useless, in one case hiding features so they make their paid mod look better and always forgetting about multiplayer
The one video i know that doesnt have these problems is one made by the youtuber green_jab. They also made a discord server for developing the mod after their suggestions named “fixed minecraft”
Because of homophobia, transphobia, bad leadership and other things, every single person helping them to develop the mod(which, as far as i know, were all queer) left, forked the mod, split it in 2(one is only for the server and doesnt need to be installed on the client, the other needs to be installed on both) and gave the mods actual names