How does the image scanning compare to docker scout? (Or whatever the docket desktop one is called).
Ubuntu pro joke related to another thread - not the best image post sorry 🙈
Do feel it is designed to scare normal users though.
Like how the GUI software updater now shows a list of security updates, and then “there are more security updates available with Ubuntu pro” in the list of updates…. the obvious implication is “you’re computer has other known vulnerabilities that can only be fixed if you pay up”.
Liiittlle bit ransomey and let be honest that’s by design.
Wouldn’t consider myself part of the anti canonical pitchfork crowd but that new behaviour did irk me somewhat.
If Microsoft did that people would be up in arms. Appreciate canonical provide Ubuntu is free but normal users wouldn’t get that nuance as they don’t think they pay for windows.
For those also wondering (and I’m quoting a comment on Ars so may stand corrected…):
Isn’t this a violation of the Geneva Conventions?
Only if used to deliberately target infantry. The videoed operations so far seem to have been intended to burn away protective cover (trees/brush), which is a permitted use even if there’s a risk of inflicting casualties as a side effect of the application of incendiaries.
Agree they’ve being easing their way in for a while. My point was specifically about advertising within the content itself which would be a new line crossed.
Edit: actually yes they did do this with Apple News didn’t they! (Which is why I stopped paying for it).
Content advertising isn’t “on brand” for Apple, so this would be a bold move.
That thumbnail tho 🤤
Sounds cool! Link to a hi res version?
“If the service is free, YOU are the product”.
Author: “write me a 4000 word article on why microplastics are bad
ChatGPT: generates 4000 words of text explaining what micro means, what plastic means, and paraphrasing the “controversy” section of the Wikipedia page on microplastics
Reader: “Summarise this article”
GhatGPT: “Microplastics are bad”