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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • And if the therapy aligns with their physical gender? No treatment for a girl who goes through puberty too young? Nothing for a girl of 17 who is worried because she hadn’t started “developing” or gotten her period? Nothing for a boy who isn’t going through male puberty, or starts it at 5? Intersex kids who are mis-assigned at birth and panic as adolescents?

    Yes the therapies are not without risk, but doing nothing is also not without risk. The only reason doctors will prescribe puberty blockers is if the kids are suffering, otherwise the “care” that is getting outlawed is counseling. I have a trans kid and the doctor prescribed counseling but they can’t get it because the clinics aren’t allowed to “treat” the transgendered now.

  • We actually pay for all our kids’ phone service because T-Mo let us add them for $10/month each line. If they raise it 5 per line it will add quite a bit but I think I’d just ask the kids to pay their $15 a month then, or spin them off if they prefer, and save money overall, T-Mobile has already saved us thousands of dollars over the years, improving service without raising the price so they have a little bit of loyalty from me. It may get shitty from now but it’s been a good run for 15 years at least.

  • This turn to the hard right is a recent thing. America is not sending us their best. I grew up with Walkin’ Lawton Childs, Askew and Graham did good things for the state before him, it was a mix of everyone and still is where I am. So eventually maybe Florida works it’s way into these people’s kids and we go back to purple.

    But this year? Next year? I don’t have much hope for that. Thought we couldn’t do worse than Rick Scott, what a piece of work shyster he is, literal criminal who defrauded the government working now in government. DeSantis has him beat I think in actual harm to the people of the state, though.

  • So if someone is on the pill at gets pregnant it meets your approval for an abortion? If they are using condoms and still get pregnant it meets your approval for an abortion? Rhythm method? Pulling out? Where do you draw the line and why do you get to decide? I don’t think many people are using abortion as birth control. It’s usually economic pressure, and sometimes health issues. I am a woman who had a bunch of kids and wouldn’t abort but outlawing abortion has had no good consequences anywhere, anytime, for anyone. Just make contraception free and safe, that is what actually reduces abortion. Making it illegal just harms women.

  • Taxation is not something growing in my body, it’s money I contribute to the society I live in, a social cost in money.

    This is much closer to the government deciding that you must donate a kidney to someone, because you had sex. Or mandating abortion, if the majority voted that everyone with two children must abort if they fall pregnant again? I don’t agree that my own body is something others can vote to control, that’s not at all like tax.