Everyone knows that if I want something, it had better be useful or meaningful. Anything less, I’m discarding.
Everyone knows that if I want something, it had better be useful or meaningful. Anything less, I’m discarding.
XMas just makes me feel exhausted and wishing it’d be over. I’ve steadily grown less and less festive over the years. I just can’t get that worked up, every year, over any holiday. And XMas is the worst of it because it’s everywhere all around you. You can’t go anywhere or listen to anything or talk to anyone without it ever being brought up.
I’m tired of the pressure to buy this or buy that. I’m tired of this month long pause with people because of how hyperfocused they are to celebrate a holiday that’s been so tainted by capitalism that any spirit left over has been drained.
Grow up and stop being a sensationalist.
To be quite honest, I’ve not made a single bit of effort in making a will, nor have I decided on life insurance nor have I made any arrangements to heirs or anything else. My family is beyond trusting, to me, so that is entirely out the window regarding them. And another thing is that my ‘retirement’ plan is a plan of permanence at my own discretion, so the thought of making a will or having life insurance is on the bottom of a priority list.
My main concerns when I decide my time is up, is where I’m going to be and how much I want to leave behind and for whom. That’s pretty much it.
How little of a fuck you give for modern times and just live in the past.
I’ve not recalled an instance where employers go through your social media. First, it’s none of their business and second, they don’t even know where to look because I haven’t shared or told them. What they should be concerned with is whether I’ve committed any crimes or if I have anything that jumps out at them that makes them consider or not consider me. Social Media should never be a determinable factor.
Any dumb and vaguely open-ended advice. Like “just be yourself”.
What if you’re improving yourself because the real you sucked? Do you just give that all up and return to what you were? Whoever first said that piece of advice, obviously didn’t think it through enough.
It’s Google. Of course not.
No, everyone in my building is loud and obnoxious. A lot of vandals here and the kind of people I don’t trust to even leave my laundry in the laundry room.
Nah, you’ll fucking update me anyways whether I want to or not, MIcrosoft.
I really do not see what the point of them are and I don’t really taste what ‘benefits’ they claim to provide. They’re almost required for a lot of baking and cooking needs. However, I’ve found that sometimes, they can be avoided and the food will turn out fine on it’s own.
Vegetable, Canola, Peanut, Sunflower .etc don’t look or sound healthy to me. I instead use Coconut.
Owning my own home. Most of us are just going to be renting for the rest of our lives.
Everyone is an asshole. It’s about how big of an asshole you are or can be.
You’re irredeemably an asshole once you’ve assaulted someone, have had a very lengthy criminal history, raped someone, sexually abused someone, abused children, abused any positions of power, murdered someone and any other heinous criminal activity I’ve not listed.
There’s just simply a point of no going back.
Pretty much everything. Either I’m driving or I’m not.
Buy an unlocked phone. Then, go see about trying Mint Mobile or MyTello. I currently pay $6 a month for a 2GB data plan and no minutes (currently, but I have Wi-Fi calling). The most you’re looking to spend for an unlimited Data/Minutes plan is $25 a month through MyTello.
What I’m saying is - you’re paying too much for what you’re dealing with. Do yourself a favor and save. The only thing you should be paying for that’s a little pricey is a decent phone.
That’s pretty entitled.
Yes I do, what you don’t understand, is the society we’re in.
UBI is a great system, but I would want it heavily regulated. Because you just know and it’s the truth, that a lot of people will sit on their ass all day and take advantage of it. This is a system that should be for those who’re actually struggling.
And I say this because I’ve heard stories and seen it first hand, of people lying on documents and forms to get benefits that they don’t deserve. You cannot introduce and incorporate UBI with the mindset that nothing can go wrong - because it could, if it’s unchecked.
I take downvotes as an admission of guilt to my observations, thanks.
Bodycam videos.
I mean, if you think your life is shit? Go watch a handful of police bodycam videos. Look at how many ways people turn their lives upside down. Turning traffic violations into felonies. Multiple felons on the run. Getting shot. And an assortment of other active crimes right before your eyes.
You sometimes just wonder how bad of a life they’ve made themselves live in, compared to yours.