Arguments are overrated. Hugs aren’t.
“Si miras fijamente al pudú, el pudú te devuelve la mirada.”
Arguments are overrated. Hugs aren’t.
You sound like solid hugging material.
No, i just got tired of interacting with the mainstream shills and bots.
Demons and shadow people.
Yes, I’ve met a few pandimensional deities.
Why bother doing anything if you’re going to end up dead anyway.
Yeah… And what about copilot?
Couldn’t agree more. I’m not, but I’m doing my duty so there’s that.
For the 2022 Microsoft Excel World Championship I downloaded the problems the moment they were released to the contestants and public and solved as many as I could in real time. I would have finished 5th.
Well, not me, but some family members left during the Pinochet years (I’m Chilean). I have a Venezuelan friend living in Madrid who left during Chavez too, and know a few other cases.
The thing about dictatorships is that they can come in any flavor.
I can understand your frustration and I’m sorry you’re going through this.
I’ve seen my country fall apart too and it ain’t no picnic. Reason why my answer is what it was.
I believe I was asked what I personally would do and USA was never mentioned.
I wouldn’t. I’d just move somewhere else.
Why? Because whatever I do to attempt to stop the transition will be much less effective on obtaining quality of life improvements for myself and my loved ones than moving somewhere else. And that’s not even going into the risks of attempting to get between a potential dictator and their power.
Votes are individually irrelevant. Protests are ignored, even if massive. Opinions and relevant facts to change opinions are lost in a sea of extremely well funded narrative-affirming propaganda. Civil disobedience will get you nothing but legal trouble. Strikes are broken.
Let’s be real. There is nothing that can be done, realistically, as an individual without an extraordinary amount of political capital, money or military influence.
Anything short of a huge chunk of the armed forces organizing an armed coup is completely irrelevant.
The only realistic solution is jumping ship.
Whoever replies to this comment. If many reply, whoever of them survives after a fight to death.