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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • This is a hard one. I think we can all agree that the people who need it should have it and the people who don’t…don’t…especially if their easy access to the drug pretty much guarantees a shortage of the drug for those who do need it.

    I need it. And when there was a shortage just as we were forced to return to the office after Covid wfh, it was a nightmare. I don’t know for sure that this company was handing out prescriptions to whoever would pay or if they were mostly legitimate, but I imagine that it’s somewhere in between the two. And I do know that we will never be able to have a rational discussion about it between health professionals and the DEA/FDA, etc.

    So, a lot of people who need it won’t get it either due to shortages or due to not being able to access a prescription for whatever reason.

    Some people will continue to access it who don’t need it, but on a level that guarantees sporadic shortages for others.

    No one wins other than those profiting either by selling prescriptions or by selling the drugs themselves at a much higher price than they paid for it using said prescriptions.

    Rinse, wash, repeat.

  • Nope, 2 completely separate things. The only thing that was messed up in this case were the comm loops that were broadcast and maybe some of the simulated messages that are sometimes shown on one of the big screens in the room (that the sim was in, there are a few FCR’s (Flight Control Rooms)) - but I’m not sure if they showed anything visually from the sim. When you go to log on to an activity in MCC, you log on to the sim if you’re the one doing the sim. It’s a whole separate thing to log into the actual flight even though all of the computers are still in MCC to make the environment more realistic.

    Edit: I completely misread this, lol, but no. The crew would close hatches if they needed to - there have been plenty of false smoke/fire alarms on ISS to wake them up while they were sleeping to troubleshoot. (One Shuttle flight in particular, I can’t remember which one, but it was docked, was particularly annoying wrt the ISS false detector alarms during sleep) and they were woken up and had to perform that emergency procedure. There is a lot that can be commanded from the ground, so it’s not “automated” in the way that you’re thinking. The ground has to send a command before anything happens. But closing hatches and such is done manually by the crew.

  • I guess considering I used to work in Mission Control and participate in these simulations, the language used here is something I notice probably more than others.

    The simulation itself was broadcast. The astronauts and the sim team were in Houston. The alarm originated from a computer on the ground in Houston. The comm loops that were heard were from a sim on the ground in Houston. This headline would make more sense if NASA was troubleshooting alarms on ISS and configured things such that those messages would be on a private channel but messed up and the public heard them. In this context the fact that it was a sim is important.

  • According to Kennedy, Meta is colluding with the Biden administration to sway the 2024 presidential election by suppressing Kennedy’s documentary and making it harder to support Kennedy’s candidacy. This allegedly has caused “substantial donation losses,” while also violating the free speech rights of Kennedy, his supporters, and his film’s production company, AV24.

    In this case, Meta and the Biden administration are claimed to be co-conspirators colluding to block citizens from promoting their favorite presidential candidate.

    We can very much dislike both while also agreeing that this is fucking stupid. While we continue to very much dislike both, one is clearly in the wrong on this issue and pointing out the sheer stupidity of Kennedy’s actions is not “siding” with Zuckerberg.

    I don’t care what his profession is/was - he’s wrong and it would be disingenuous to give him a pass because he did a thing at some point in his life that I agreed with.

  • Though OnlyFans currently bans the use of AI, there are plenty of startups like Daniel’s that are developing the technology to replace flesh-and-blood chatters altogether. (Some claim they’re already routing around OnlyFans’ prohibition by having a lone human press Send on thousands of AI-generated messages.)

    The most surreal moment came as I noticed the faint sounds of my daughter and her puppy watching Bluey together down the hall, right as a subscriber was waxing poetic about how much he wanted to eat a macaron from between my ass cheeks; the juxtaposition made me question the entire course of my life.

    AI chatbots will never be able to give us this kind of self reflection.