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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • The Allies forced the German civilians to dig graves for the concentration camps so they could see the inhumanity their complacency and tacit approval caused. I’ve never appreciated my history classes more and I’m terribly sorry for the schools and children that are performing historical revisionism to well documented events.

    Also, I went to the gatewaypundit site TFG linked to and read some comments. One commenter suggesting someone who disagreed commit suicide (and of course they knew how to bypass filters, so it’s a tactic they use often). Folks are still suggesting the election was stolen then with the same breath saying to circle the ballot processing centers and not let vans through. The cognitive dissonance for these self-titled “critical thinkers” is beyond scary.

    Edit: wanted to fact check my memory, here’s a photo.

  • You mean the part where they held a special election in August after writing rules to BAN special elections in August (unless they involved budget crises)? The supermajority 60% of the Aug Issue 1 would’ve tanked this if they had their way (or kept it from hitting the ballot with the 80~ county petition requirement).

    THEN they had the gall to change the language on today’s Issue 1 text.

    I’m so proud right now, big win for a state that’s had a lot of fails lately (i.e. literal train wrecks that got swept under the rug).

    Also: how well do you all think the inclusion of Issue 2 here REALLY brought out the voters? I heard a lot of pot smokers got out of bed early today for it - had to add some extra push for Issue 1.