Block Linux and pervy anime and you’ll see a lot more star trek.
Block Linux and pervy anime and you’ll see a lot more star trek.
Bobby Fingers. He makes diaramas of weird things and then buries them in the woods for people to find. Doesn’t make videos too often but they’re hilarious.
Once I volunteered for a nonprofit fundraiser type thing. It was early spring and cold as hell. My friends got taken to the hay rides and the fire pit and they stuck me at the highway, pointing people towards the highly visible parking area. I marched in circles and designed ten thousand signs that could do the job that I was doing. I vowed then and there to never, ever be a cog in some Boomers vanity charity event ever again.
Service clubs tend to treat volunteers like slaves and then lament that no one wants to volunteer to be their slaves.
Absolutely. The ‘hive mind’ here is so narrow minded and shallow that it’s super easy to predict 3/4 of the comments on any given article. Probably because the all the comments are from the same 5 people.
I think about people on reddit complaining about reposts as I scroll past 50 posts of the same article posted to different instances by the same person.
It’s also because there’s sooo much dross and very little content.
N.R.O.R.A.I.R.T.N.? I think you missed the joke.
Tele-Reliance Artificial Intelligence Network
What do you do with all the time you save by writing ‘u’ instead of ‘you’? You must live a life of leisure and be early for every event!
Both. Odd that you would ask without trying it yourself.
If you mime tightening a bolt, your thumb moves to the right. And vise versa.
Lefty righty, loosie tighty.
Chocks are cheaper than any incident that could occur without them.
In Canada etransfers are usually limited to $3k/day. On big invoices I get paid over multiple days. It’s not that big a deal for me. I think people look at it like they can only get robbed of 3 grand a day.
That’s how I use Bing. 😻
Why in the fuck did Biden announce his resignation on that platform?
Love the launcher, hate the payload?
Starlink will never be orbital trash in any meaningful way
You’re right. They’ll be atmospheric pollution. That’s what “burn up on reentry” means.
I’d like to see what people’s reactions would be if we put all the 6,219 starlink satellites in a pile on the ground and lit them on fire. Would they say “fuck yeah! Fast internet!” or would they say “are you out of your mind?”
And they plan on having 12,000 or something each lasting about 5 years.
If you like pervy anime, star trek and speak German you’re home.