I’ve bought the series multiple times over 🫠 the dvds are great though for the commentary. There are some actor commentaries and some from JMS. Also the outtakes for each season are wonderful; I still reference them to this day haha
I’ve bought the series multiple times over 🫠 the dvds are great though for the commentary. There are some actor commentaries and some from JMS. Also the outtakes for each season are wonderful; I still reference them to this day haha
I rewatch fairly often 😅 especially when I’m indoctrinating someone close to me to the series haha. I was born when it premiered and watched it when young. I live vicariously through newcomers reactions to plot reveals.
It’s one of those shows that gets better and better upon rewatching as there are references to upcoming events if you know what to look for.
Fun fact you might already know! Lorien’s actor did a lot of work on B5 as aliens. His human appearance was Sebastian (remembered only as Jack)
It remains topical to this day. Appeasement and other historical references just keep repeating ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
“The Babylon project was our last, best hope for peace. It failed. bum bum bah In the year of the Shadow War it became something greater; our last best hope for victory.”
Edit; I’m actually doing a rewatch now and nearing the end of Season 4. I already miss Season 3. Although nothing beats “Drazi: Captain, we’re sorry we thought you were dead. Sheridan: I was, I’m better now.”
Cats and Star Trek. I will continue the fight for Babylon 5 tho
I set up an auto replace on my phone so when I type ?! It’ll switch it to ‽ for me.
Oldie but a goldie; Some Bullshit Happening Somewhere
It’s just so amazingly on point
As someone who’s played Destiny since Beta; mood
I’m always for shitting on TERFs, but I have no idea what this meme is about. Probably because I try my best to keep ‘anti-woke’ things out of my orb. Can someone please get me in on this joke that I desperately want to be a part of haha
bbno$, Doja Cat, and Helen Mirren. All in my DMs
I have an older Ryzen and had no problems with FD until recently. I’m not doubting your personal rig has issues likely tied to this faulty chip, it’s probably also being made worse by their servers.
I was in the same boat for ages and was happy paying as I kept the original rate. Then they bumped it by almost 50% end of December. Quit before the change took effect and have been using ad block ever since. The ONLY thing I miss is YouTube music as I’ve gotten too lazy to rip the remixes/soundtracks that aren’t on other streaming services.
Federal Reserve System, often shorted to ‘the Fed’
Yeah, some youtube videos that cover basics and hiring a firm after a breech is pretty standard it feels.
Only as strong as your least paid worker.
Oh cool, rampancy is contagious
I feel bad for whoever that is. A person that demands devotion rarely deserves it.
Soeedrunners tend to be from the games that I follow!