In a bad place.

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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: May 31st, 2024


  • Really? A extremely old and frail man dies and it will dominate the news for a week? I predict 0.5-1 days of full headlines about it, the next day some memorials and tributes, third day maybe some deep dive analysis of his work and then not much until the funeral.

    I’m, of course, talking out of ignorance. I’m not american and dont know much about Carter but based on how stuff went in my country when a old and beloved ex-president died, there was a few days of tributes etc. Then the funeral and thats it.

  • As a car enthusiast/mechanic/nerd I say “excellent!”

    When I was younger, the city centre (ciry of Tampere) was a loud and messy place and I didnt like to go there. Now they’ve banned cars from the main street (Hämeenkatu), lowered the speeds to 30km/h, built some bicycle lanes etc. Its sooo much nicer now. I take random walks trough the centre just because I like looking at the buildings and people going about their business. I have surprised many of my old friends, because they lived with the idea that I hate the centre for 15 years.

    And when it comes to bus/bicycle lanes… I have never understood the people whining about them. They are not removing your ability to drive, they are giving others safer amd better options to not drive. And from what I’ve observed, big portion of bicyclists are people who are unsure drivers. Isnt it better that those people have a good alternative to driving? That way they wont be slowing Mr. Wannabe Verstappen on his wild drive to the groecery shop.

    I think I lost my train of thought and dont remember what else I was supposed to write. Oh well, back to banging a alfa romeo with a big hammer