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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: September 7th, 2024


  • lol yeah fair I hear you cheers. I know you’re right but it’s hard not to chase that high. I’d be happy if I could have get high like this once or twice a week like maybe once every 4 days.

    Like: 100mg, 50mg, 100mg, 50mg, 200mg then repeat.

    In that pattern the 200mg should always hit pretty hard if you think about it cos of the fact you’re depriving yourself a lot on two of those days and then the 200mg day is even still twice even the 100mg days.

    But yeah that’s my addict mind at work. Plus I’d aim to take 600mg of Pregab every other day maybe and make the 600mg day the same day as the 200mg Methadone day to enhance it even further.

    Maybe that does sound bad. But I don’t really see the harm in it. It’s not like I’m going out and buying EXTRA methadone to take on top of my normal doses. I’m simply apportioning more methadone to some days but then less methadone to other days so it completely balances itself out. Same with the pregabalin.

    You wouldn’t feel quite as stable. The two 50mg days are gonna be the kinda shitty days but shouldn’t be to the extent of having any problematic withdrawals symptoms. Like a small part of me is regretting having done this thing right now. Because I now have to have this boring possibly slightly just slightly more uncomfortable feeling day mentally than usual. But I know it’s only for 24 hours so I’ll be through it soon enough. I’ll be sleeping for like 8 of those hours even.

    In regards to this double dose and worrying anyway. I’m sure I’ll be fine now cos in 3 hours it’s will be the time when I could have taken the second 100mg anyway. So the levels should be evening out now. Cos the first 100mg I took was literally 21 hours ago now. It would be different had I taken the whole 200mg at once I suppose but as it is, I’m not too concerned now.

    Are you 43 by the way or was that just a random number you pulled out lol?