That probably is the idea, to have a competitor to Patreon and OnlyFans. They should have probably mentioned that as an example before some people start thinking /r/worldnews becomes paywalled.
That probably is the idea, to have a competitor to Patreon and OnlyFans. They should have probably mentioned that as an example before some people start thinking /r/worldnews becomes paywalled.
To be honest, not using TLS nowadays is pretty surprising.
Wanted to say it feels like Microsoft doing same thing with Copilot, but at least you can disable that. At least on enterprise plans, home / small business apperently is a different story now.
I remember using NoScript extension ages ago for what I believe was at least a year. Occasionally sites had problems with loading certain elements even if I allowed 1st party scripts by default. It was way too often when I had to allow domains of various 3rd party scripts when I finally realized this workflow just sucks and benefit is so miniscule that I just got rid of it. Only blocking extension I am using right now is uBlock.
I know it does not matter, but it pains to see that perfectly normal comments like yours that add to conversation get downvoted just because some people do not agree with its narrative.
I think it wouldn’t fly either since verdict was that this is GDPR problem - there was no need to collect this info.
As with all predicters, you throw 1000 things at the wall and 1 will probably stick. No one remembers the 999 fsiled ones.
At least on Pro / Enterprise / Education edition there are no ads. Maybe I have disabled them, no idea. It could be that this is a thing in Home edition that cannot be easily disabled, have never used Home edition in my life to be honest.
Recall is an optional feature that will run on specific CPUs and it will be local unless something recently changed. Would I use it even if I could? No, I don’t see a need, but it probably will be useful to many.
It is almost the same as Windows 8 underneath. W11 for almost everyone should feel just like a new skin with couple more features. There are some annoyances, but I have not seen anything yet that I would consider dealbreaking.
You can still read news, no need to be uninformed.
I have the same mindset against Dubai and would never visit it. That said I know a perfectly normal colleague who has been there with his family 2 or 3 times and said he would probably go there again. Don’t recall why they liked it there that much.
Is there a reason to think there will be no trial and this guy by some reason will end up in some CIA black site without trial?
I just find it interesting that someone who has absolutely no trust in authorities does not have a theory that court can be influenced by the same authorities.
If you will not trust authorities how do you expect them to prove it to you?
Not just CEO. I would say he might have known even less of procedures in detail than middle management. You wouldn’t pardon all Nazis just because Hitler was on top, would you? If what you do willingly is non-ethical even if you don’t call the shots, you are just as bad.
Is anyone else besides China doing this? Cannot really call it international norm if 1 country is doing this.
Agree on this except I have doubts that this statement is true
It is insulting that a Chinese run social media platform provides more freedom of speech online than its US competitors.
Aren’t we primarily ok with this guy being assassinated because he was the face of a terrible company not because he was CEO in general? If someone from middle management or even low level worker who personally denied this guy′s insurance claim would have been assasinated, would we suddenly feel sorry?
Also remember that people like surgeons or dentists also can be considered ″filthy rich″ by your average Joe standards.
Here’s an interesting article about all this including some myths and other exceptions to 10:10 and 08:20 rule.
Thanks for clarification and great that this is not included in project, but couldn’t someone change the server side code and somehow see more info that goes through?
I know there is that HTML check in https://searx.space/ to see if search interface code is not heavily modified, but on server side anything could go on.
If requests are encrypted in a way that searxng does not see contents then it probably is not trivial to do, but there always is a possibility something clever could be done.
Aren’t all search queries available to whoever hosts an instance? In my eyes this is much worse to privacy and a much bigger risk unless you really know who is behind your chosen instance. I would trust some a company a bit more with safeguarding this information so it does not leak to some random guy.
It does not mention it and I cannot see any official statement, but that seems like a logical reason. Reddit management however is not famous for being logical so we will see.