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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 13th, 2023


  • We cant read Apples mind, so thats wishful thinking. But sending telemetry (even if hidden) means it can be used.
    Thats why e.g. Apple is using Differential Privacy for apps to use… to not have to give the Apps full access to e.g. usage data.
    Of course Apple themselves isnt necessarily bound to that system themselves, who knew…

    And why not allow other Apps to replace your default Apps if you want to? Why not have access to that Freedom?
    After all you should be able to do anything you want with your system… or maybe you dont believe in this kind of freedom. Could just buy an Android phone. Fuck the person who wants to actually own their hardware, right? How could they be so dumb and want actual freedom, haha.
    No, we play pretend while Freedom is further taken away under “Privacy” claims. Maybe that replacement battery will send your usage pattern via shortwave radio to an agent nearby…

  • Async is good because threads are expensive, might aswell do something else when you need to wait for something anyways.
    But only having async and no other thread when you need some computation is obviously awful… (or when starting anothe rthread is not easily manageable)

    Thats why i like go, you just tell it you want to run something in parallel and he will manage the rest… computational work, shift current work to new thread… just waiting for IO, async.

  • The cookie banner is only required to store data on the users device. the tracking without is still possible and potentially allowed via legitimate interest.
    If they want more they already ask for more outside the cookie banners when they require or want to have your consent (e.g. consent to load content from sources which will transfer your data outside their control e.g. youtube-embedings)
    The limitations of whats allowed is already established in the GDPR, so anything you cannot find legitimate reasons for is already not allowed e.g. simply selling your data to other companies (as long as they include PII)
    And as coupling is not allowed either its not allowed to couple consent with a cookie banner (which should only be used to ask for permission to store data for purposes which arent required for the usage).

    What we do need is to have a technical implementation of the browser to tell the website via standardized methods what is allowed or not.

  • One at a time, but comparing A to B, because B is also doing bad things doesnt negate nor justify the impact of A, which in this case, i’d say is worse.
    Yes, I believe it is slightly preferable to be under surveillance by an unstable democracy with a history of disregard for other nations laws, than to be monitored by China’s Communist Party, which has previously used such data for oppression and manipulation.

    Though i agree and would make, if possible, both responsible for their actions and control over others. And here it also seems, there is more control over the big sea than in Asia, making one marginally better than theother.