Agreed, presidents can apply pressure but the Fed is technically independent. That probably wasn’t fair of me to link Biden to the Fed, sorry. Dems are quick to attribute this gain to the Biden administration. I’ve heard broad statements about how Biden is good for the economy, but they don’t really go into specifics. I’m curious what they’re specifically saying he’s done to boost the economy to the point that it invalidates Fed interest/employment/inflation models.
Yeah, I read the list and fair enough. I mean to go further I’d have to argue each thing and say if I agree that it helps the economy directly or not, who the fuck cares what I think. The Biden admin has been good on anti trust, those are filtering through the courts now right, so no concrete effect yet right? Biden is good on labor too, being like the first president to visit a picket line. That may have legitimately helped the broader economy if that factored into their decision to concede to the UAW and those wage increases filtered out to non Union shops in the south. Almost invariably when people cite “Bidenomics” they mention infrastructure and green spending, which I don’t think nearly accounts for what’s been happening in terms of unemployment. I wanted concrete examples, you gave me a bunch. That’s something to think about, and I appreciate it.