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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • The people who decided not to vote for Biden made that decision with this information in mind. The problem is: The enshittification of the Democratic Party relies on the idea that people will hold their noses and vote for the “lesser evil”. This nonsense is how we got Trump in 2016 and how we (or well you I’m not American) are going to get him in 2024. Even if everyone does hold their noses and vote for Trump we’ll get another Trump, then another, then another, until the Dems are putting children back in the mines and saying “but we’re better than the Republicans”.

    If people don’t put their foot down and demand change nothing will happen.

    Is this not the correct understanding?

    It is in very general terms, but when you get down to it it fails miserably, because when both candidates are bad people not all vote for the lesser evil; they just don’t vote. This depresses turnout for the Democrats (Republicans love Trump), when voter turnout is their lifeline. The people who voted for Biden in 2016 are extremely disillusioned with him for many reasons, not the least of which actively perpetuating genocide. This isn’t the recipe for high voter turnout. Essentially saying vote for the lesser evil works until the people you’re calling on say no thanks, and we’re way past that point.

    Edit: Grammar.

  • I still think that taking a strong stance against Israel will harm Biden more than help.

    I actually don’t understand this stance. Pro-Israel people tend to be one of these groups:

    1-People who simply grew up with the propaganda and are still believing it. These lost the majority of democratic voters recently, and they’re only decrease more, but more importantly to them this isn’t an election-deciding issue. I think we can agree that this group doesn’t care as much about Israel as they do about Trump not becoming president. There’s just not much for them at stake.

    2-Zionist Jews. This is usually pointed to as the demographic Biden will lose if he doesn’t support Israel, but the thing is: Jews are less likely to support Israel than the general population. If anything being tougher on Israel might win Biden Jewish votes.

    3-Evangelicals. These are the real deal here, but let’s face it: How many of these were voting democrat to begin with?

    Yes a very large number of people support Israel, but that’s not the number we need to worry about. The really important question is: How many people on either side will take it as an election-defining issue and how likely are those people to lose Biden the election? Given that losing Muslims alone is liable to make Biden lose, and he’s losing (mainly young) progressives on top of that, I think we can see the answer to that question.