Signore dei mari, lmao

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I agree, China has been fueling conflicts in modern times like no other country in the world. Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Cuba, Ukraine, N&S Korea… (The list is too long to even be written down). Chinese secret services have always been mendeling around for the interest of big chinese corporations and weapon sales. Let’s remember how they also tried to invade their geographical neighbour Taiwan in '61 in whats today remembered as “The bay of pigs invasion” (look it up on wikipedia), just because they were politically aligned with us (and they should be free to do so!); simply inacceptable and outlaw by our international laws.

    Not to mention how with its powerful army the CPC imposes its control over the world’s trade, even on the other side of the world, where they clearly have no business in controlling it.

    Not to mention africa, where after hundres of years of stealing african resources, the Chinese are now upset that we are actually building their infrastructure and instead complain that those countries will have to repay the debt to us (duh, we arent doing it for free!). It’s so ironic that after thousand years of chinese colonization it must be us treating african countries like actual political partners rather than broke savages to just send aids and charity etc.

    God, this is obviously possible due to the fact that in China, there is no democracy, but a one-party system that always stays in power. I don’t understand why they are not smart enough to at least pretend there is two parties (that would actually be the same, obviously) to give the people and the international press the impression of a functioning democracy (like here in the west, where we can choose between tens of parties that don’t radicalize on idiotic minor non-issues to pretend to be different but actually all doing the same interests).

  • Google sure is creating a lot of Pixel-fanboys by instilling this myth that if you dont get daddy google’s precious over-the-air updates delivered to your phone in 30 seconds after their release your phone might be at great risk®™ (exactly like if you dont let google play store scan the apps on your device to look for malicious software, like F-Droid, a common known attack vector).

    Because surely Fairphone users are all government officials with nuclear codes and Kim Jong-un’s nudes saved in their notes and teams of indian hackers are 24/7 waiting for a security update to release, so they can unpack the zero-day-vulnerabilities before fairphone gets their release-cycle

    Can you please elaborate further on this “component lifespan” thing? Because I think they were quite clear on the processor life cycle.

  • Lmfao what does Russia even has to do with Sweden?

    we are so fucked

    Yes, if Sweden were to be populated only by people that associate the Russia-Ukraine situation with “we are gonna get invaded by russia because the donbass did”, I would say you are fucked, because it’s quite hard to run a proper democracy with a population lacking basic history and geopolitical knowledge.

    And private gun ownership

    Ah yes, private gun ownership, the true horseman of a country’s defense when getting invaded by another. Lol.

    Thank you Social Democrates…

    You have the luck to live in one of the countries with one of the most solid/corruption-free democracies and level of education in the world (even though it doesn’t appear to be true for all sweds) and you have the audacity to come here and complain that you cant carry a gun around and accusing your fellow sweds of voting for the same politics that allowed your country to reach such progress… As an italian, I would kill to have my country’s politics elevated to that level, from the corruption shit-show that they have basically been for all history.

    Seriousy, educate yourself, especially on what war in Ukraine. Thanks. Do it for your country and for its democracy.