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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 8th, 2023

  • It’s very likely if this passes people who used to be tech illiterate will start using pre encryption, such as the darknet’s favorite PGP, before sending anything over, as all channels that are compliant will become insecure channels.

    Much like it happened with vpns, chat encryption and ad blocking, people will be quick to catch on with a simple youtube video. Then we’ll have sold our privacy for pretty much nothing.

    I wonder how long it will take for these very technologically inept politicians to realise you can’t legislate the internet to protect children, nor it is their job. Parents are the ones who are responsible for monitoring their children’s internet usage. Make child monitoring software more accessible to parents.

    I’m glad to see those taxes being put into pointless endeavours while our world is festering with inequality, recessions and climate annihilation. Pretty sure soon enough children won’t need protection, because there won’t be any children left as no one can afford them in order to sustain our billionaire population.

  • "Guys please, can you just ignore the dead children for one minute? They’re already dead, it’s not like they care anyway.

    We’re trying to make money here and your empathy for your fellow human beings is just mucking it all up. Please, please try to follow the apolitical rules we laid out and for the duration of the show and just stfu and give us money ok ? That’s all we want. Bring the money and leave your messy politics at home. Your complaining makes other people not want to give us more money.

    Remember why we’re doing this. For culture and money. But mostly money. Thanks!"

  • NeuronautML@lemmy.mltoEurope@feddit.deSecret plan against Germany
    6 months ago

    That is true, if all the history you’ve ever learned was the history that came in your highschool books. It’s a very simplistic take of a complex situation meant to be easily digestible by teenagers. I mean no offense.

    Which is fine i suppose. If you think it’s fine for you, then it is and i am happy that you are satisfied. I understand not everyone shares my curiosity for ww2 political history, however, I am very much not a nazi. I’m not even right wing. It would be nonsensical to defend right wing extremist ideology.

    Criticism of the treaty of Versailles has been thoroughly written by many non nazi historians from allied countries. It just doesn’t add much to the conversation to just write “nazi propaganda”. It’s not really an argument at all. No premises whatsoever. You could have just dropped your dislike because you feel you disagree and moved on.

    Although i am very willing to read your thoughts if you could develop them a little more than that. I’m always willing to listen to a strong argument in favor of the treaty of Versailles and if you have a take i find insightful, perhaps even change my mind.

  • NeuronautML@lemmy.mltoEurope@feddit.deSecret plan against Germany
    6 months ago

    To be fair to Germany, Hitler was the clash of two trains of thought. Should you punish a country for the crimes of its ruling class through fines and territory claims?

    In medieval eras the country was property of the kings and the peasants were their rightful “tools”, so punishing them was seen as fair, which is where the Versailles peace agreement came from.

    In modern eras, the country belongs to no one and the ruling class is just that, the ruling class. Punishing people or taking land is seen poorly in international courts, regardless of what the country did in the war.

    Hitler came to power because of how the allies treated the Germans after WW1. Had the allies implemented a restructuring plan, like it happened with Japan and Germany post WW2, instead of implementing border gore and impossible to pay fines, Hitler would have never been able to do anything, seeing as he was significantly unpopular. But if you trap a population between an impossible choice, this is what you get.

    So you see, Germany couldn’t have produced anything. The right wing might see a substantial representation increase in the parliament because current parties have been incompetent in handling migration over the last 10 years and refuse to listen, but the conditions that caused Hitler’s rise to power are not currently met. Not even close.

    Which is why i think you are not right in this matter.

    Banning AfD would be incredibly stupid. Votes are a representation of concerns in a population. Ignoring the issues causing the votes and banning a party does not remove the concerns, just our visibility of them.

    Europe in general needs to either drastically improve the integration mechanisms for migrants or reduce migrant throughput to levels which the current existing mechanisms are capable of handling. The current methods of just ignoring the problem and not giving a crap is clearly not being effective and thinking this is just a problem of ideology is exactly what’s wrong here.

    Banning parties is irrelevant, banning nazi symbolism is irrelevsnt, cordon sanitaire is irrelevant, declaring fascism illegal is irrelevant. Those are symptoms and if we only treat symptoms the problem just changes faces.

  • Rather than implement the api, porn software administrators would block connections from the UK, at which point everyone would use a vpn to get around it pretty easily.

    You can’t fix it with mandatory access control. It’s not up to the government anyway, it’s up to parents to properly use device lockdowns. That’s what they should be doing, a free state sponsored, maintained and up to date opt in software program that allows parents to lock down purchases and porn on their own children’s device. This program would be taxpayer funded and paid humans would maintain a list of approved/blocked websites and automatic third party application configuration, with client side verification for CSAM or abuse material of the child’s device.

    The public at large is not responsible for the education and protection of children they do not have. That’s a parent’s and only a parent’s duty, which means the control should be opt in by parents.

  • Might as well sue the ISP as well. Who else can parents blame for their lack of competence and awareness in what their children are doing in an environment where they can communicate, apparently in an unfiltered manner, with adults ?

    It’s really funny. Companies have made all sorts of lockdown programs and monitoring software anyone can purchase for any operating system and then there’s parents blaming other entities for the fact that they have decided not to use those programs.

    We chose not to have kids, but still we are apparently saddled with raising the kids other people chose to have. It’s like having a toddler and no door, then your toddler walks into traffic, dies, and you blame the city for killing your toddler. That’s UK law for you.

    The guy in the article had the child send him 220 pictures right under a mother and father’s nose before he was caught. A child who, by the way, was 11, barely a teen. Holy terrible parenting, batman. These people should lose custody immediately.