We’ve finally lost the cold war.
They don’t need to use spies in America anymore. Just come on over to the WH, they’ll have some tea and cookies ready for you, comrades
Blood sucking irritating fuck that chases you wherever you go
Cool story bro, go argue with the IETF
I found your email address:
This is why I like programming. You can call your code lots of fun and interesting names and you don’t get an email from HR.
The snake: If you let me bite you all of your problems will go away
Did you just ask if JK Rowling really met with Adolf Hitler?
I’ve just decided that the future isn’t worth it and I’m throwing all of them in the ocean.
What medium is the data already on?
At least you’re not a black Nazi, bud. Money doesn’t equal happiness. I bet he’s miserable.
This dude is off the fucking rails, batshit insane.
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PfSense with PFblockerNG or Pihole