Literally never watched a second of fox news in my life but ok. I was just sarcastically grasping at straws cause that’s what you did. There are measurable impacts on society caused by social media but if you wanna ignore that go ahead.
Literally never watched a second of fox news in my life but ok. I was just sarcastically grasping at straws cause that’s what you did. There are measurable impacts on society caused by social media but if you wanna ignore that go ahead.
Sure but after phones and TV we raised gays, disabled, and the mentally ill out of the mud, transformed nations, inspired by inclusive initiatives humanity went through 50 years of progress.
After 20 years of social media we’ve full regressed to 1938. I think if you look around, there is some pretty obvious proof, society’s critical thinking has been intentionally dismantled by these social media algorithms and the bad actors that manipulate facts around them.
I’m in the camp that thinks in 25 years there will be some regretful studies about how attention span demolishing apps like TikTok and yt shorts fucked civilizations progress for the next 150 years. I’d agree with you if I only cared about my lifespan and what happens inside of it. Some people want to see progress across the centuries even if we don’t get to live it. TikTok is a sign of regression, whether there is good content or not.
I’m a winter window down driver too. Drives my passengers nuts even though I have the heat cranked lol
It’s simple. If your rights infringe on my rights, and there is no way for me to avoid the “you”, whatever it may be at the moment, it should be regulated.
Go ahead and hate gays, but on a multicultural/multi-national platform that over a 3rd of the population use, you shouldn’t be allowed to project that because it makes gay people feel unsafe. It infringes on their humanity.
Just because a group is immune to the intricacies of this, re: straight and white, shouldn’t be a license for them to say and do whatever they want.
Try a group of gay people against straights, see how long that group lasts. Why the double meaning
Those arguing objective facts when the point is clear tend to argue from a position of bad faith, and should be ignored. Hence the critical thinking.
Look at what those who are denying genocide in this example have to gain from such a claim. If it’s much, those individuals have a vested interest in denying the truth and as such, should no longer be allowed a seat at the table.
There is plenty across history that defines a genocide. Leaders arguing there aren’t exact parallels this time around, makes them despot. Complicit is too kind a word.
Copilot can fuck off
I find the adblock yt prompt only shows now when I try to open two tabs of YouTube. Second tab has this message but the first plays fine. I think ublock probably deployed a half fix already
Much of that is just bots and if you spend any measurable time on the internet you start to ignore stuff with variable capital letter words and emoji spam so it’s not outside of the realm of possibility that the person you’re responding to, doesn’t see that stuff. I don’t really either. My brain auto filters paragraphs of anti woke/racist rhetoric like pop-up ads.
Except they’ll jack prices anyway then if the tariffs don’t stick they will say it was a precautionary cushion against potential tariffs while collecting the profits.
I mean isn’t this what we want? The data is Public. It’s already being done behind closed doors. I’d rather this transparency. Especially because there’s such a large % of the population tuned out to how large companies with 8-10 figure r&d departments focused on marketing psychology manage to control them.
Even as aware as I think I am I’m certain there are 10s of thousands of strategies being employed that take advantage of my “immunity”. At least with FOSS and public records steming from that, the average Joe gets a peak behind the curtain and sees what is possible.
I had a conversation recently about mcdonalds app surge pricing and they never heard about surge pricing which is totally fine but they fought me on the premise “there’s no way they can do that” on technical feasibility to just “no one would do that”. I’m not sure what they were defending but I digress. My biphenton has kicked in and I should stop typing right n
It’s been 5 minutes since the new thing did a new thing. Is it the end?
And they actually wonder why tech literate people shit all over them every chance they get. This is some trash human behavior.
It’d be like if you sprayed fart spray all over your neighbors table at a flea market because they also have a few pokemon cards for sale but they’re in better condition than yours.
“Rather than improve myself I’m going to block others from doing better than me” is the corporate worlds motto ATM. Race to the bottom
The oblongs, ripping friends, Ren n Stimpy, I r baboon were some of the best. Drawn together was a gem too that came out when i was a teen
I think there stands a case to have discount surge pricing on cheque days for example to ease the burden of poverty framing the “surge” as increased store volume opposed to prices but yea now that I type it out a different term is needed lol
Any kind of surge pricing by for profit companies providing basic needs should be illegal full stop
Yea the ray bans in question are completely discreet unless told or you’ve seen them already
Since I started getting good at yosu and that fishing mini game in farmrpg I’ve been failing more captchas. I wonder if they’re related knowing this
Sure but those links to sketchy .apk games of which the ad for them involves rape or kidnapping usually are a-okay