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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 24th, 2023

  • Seriously. We are talking about tire tread compared to weight. Both use multiple sizes of tire depending on the year/model. There are a few that overlap in diameter to get the closest to comparison but they still have a very different width. We are talking about a 235/35R18 vs a 235/75R18. That is a huge difference in wall height/aspect ratio and changes how the tire gives under power. Those numbers massively change depending on model as well. Something like an f150 raptor could have a 315/70R17, almost a foot wide. So comparing just the weight and saying they are close enough is far from a fair comparison.

  • You are on a nuke loving platform and people are going to downvote anything that isn’t hard pro nuke. But you are correct. I have had this exact same discussion before. The numbers you are looking for are called the LCOE, or the ‘levelized cost of electricity’ where the lifetime of the technology cost if factored in. Offshore wind is currently the lowest followed by solar. Nuke is clost to 10x the cost. There is even an international nuke consortium that has several reports agreeing with exactly what you are saying and basically sum it up as: if you invested in nuke early, then it is cost efficient to just keep upgrading. If you didn’t invest in it early, then the cost to implement it so high that you are better off going wind/solar. Even if you add in the cost of battery systems, it is still cheaper than building a new nuke plant. And more than that, with these new nuke plants you have to upgrade all your infrastructure because your old wires can’t handle the output loads. If you look at the 30+ billion Georgia spent on this plant, they could have simply given out a micro generation grant to everyone to add solar to their roofs, not needed to upgrade the lines, and been far better off. But hey, just like reddit, if you are commenting on lemmy you better be pro nuke only and ignore the other numbers.

  • As much as I say fuck the billionaires, they have actually already had methods of doing this for about 50 years. Only the dumb billionaires who registered the planes in their name were annoyed about the rules. They could have always registered it under a trust, like almost every other rich person private jet out there. People can still figure out the plane tail registration and track you through that, and that will never change. So the billionaires that are happy about this regulation change still have their tail numbers known by the public to be associated with them and can still be tracked. Now they just have to change their tail numbers (giant pain) and wait for people to do slightly more difficult digging to figure out what plane is theirs.

  • A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

    What regulated American militia do you belong to? We have been so quick to jump to defend the later part of the amendment that we have completely dismissed the first part.

    I am a gun owner. I love my ar-15. I was in the Army. I did 2 tours to Afghanistan. I am also very liberal. If a law was passed that expanded on the actual enforcement of the well regulated militia text, I would support it. Instead, we have no regulated militias in America at all, and a bunch of gun nuts that keep screaming “shall not be infringed!!” While ignoring all the rest of the text.

  • Did we watch the same movie? Or read the same comic? From its wiki:

    “V for Vendetta is a British graphic novel written by Alan Moore and illustrated by David Lloyd (with additional art by Tony Weare). Initially published between 1982 and 1985 in black and white as an ongoing serial in the British anthology Warrior, its serialization was completed in 1988–89 in a ten-issue colour limited series published by DC Comics in the United States.”

    It was british in the comic…

    Plot summary of movie?

    “Following world war, London is a police state occupied by a fascist government, and a vigilante known only as V (Hugo Weaving) uses terrorist tactics to fight the oppressors of the world in which he now lives. …”

    British in the movie.

    Now, to be fair, the screenplay was written by 2 Americans who loved the comic and it was directed by an Australian. Your downvotes are coming from you jumping onto the “amerikkka bad” train without any real connection here.

  • I agree with you as a realist on the situation. We will never stop manufacturing them, at least for the foreseeable future. But we forget that something like recycling is the last stage of the 3R’s to follow. We must first look to reduce consumption. We need to find alternatives where possible, and switch away from these forever chemicals anywhere we can. Next, while “reusing” is not the best term here, but we need to find ways to extend the life of the products that we are forced to use and try to use them up in every way we can. Then lastly we need to be recycling it as best as possible before we send it to an incinerator, or more realistically a developing nation landfill.

    Reduce -> Reuse -> Recycle is listed that way for a reason. Everyone always just jumps to the final stage then argue about how bad the recycling is while not even considering ways to reduce or reuse throughout the entire process.

  • Some say “tricked” others say “activity plotted treason” but I guess we will never know…

    I guess we have no way to investigate this and find out. If only we had some department in the government that was made to investigate into law stuff, you know, for justice.

    Maybe we could also have a bureau, but on the federal level, that only helped investigate things for the law. Some kind of federal bureau that investigates. That would be nice. Then maybe some department that followed through with their investigations with Justice, and the two could work together.

    But you know, that is all made up wishing on the internet. In the end we will never know if they were tricked like a toddler on Halloween, or plotted treason in meetings that lasted entire days that we have logs for and that their political party supported. We will never know…

  • 600$

    To employ someone at 10$/hr, their actual cost is probably close to 15$/hr when you factor I them coming in to work in the office and all the costs associated with that. At 15$/hr it takes 40 hrs to cost 600$ to thr company. That is one week of work for one employee. This means that they could have a 600$ fuck up every week and still break even over hiring a person. And we are talking about just one person. Chat support is nor.ally contracted out as entire teams and departments.

  • Death from “old age” (talking about those 85+)is actually death from heart disease (number 1), cancer (2), alzheimers (3), or stroke (4).

    Heart disease at end of life can be a drawn out pain with the heart not strong enough and it causes fluid to back into the lungs, the lead to death from pneumonia or some other breathing issue like COPD or some shit. It is pain for a few years with diminished quality of life and most days are spent just fighting to hang on. Those that die of a heart attack are the lucky ones if it is quick enough, but still pain and terror for several minutes at least.

    Those that die from cancers at this age, well… it’s cancer. Try and find anyone’s story of having a peaceful time dieing from cancer when they are old.

    The alzheimers deaths can take many forms. Anything from alzheimers dimentia and your brain deteriorating until it literally forgets how to function basic bodily functions like breathing; or it could be something like lewd body, where you are hallucinating most of the time trying to cope with a world that is literally changing in front of you by the minute with memories of your past blurred with imagination and nightmares that you can no longer suppress.

    Then you have stroke patients. Most of these people have had multiple strokes by this age if this is how they are going out. This is where from the first strokes they have lost entire sections of their brain and lost major functions of things. For some it is as simple as loosing their speech and no longer able to physically talk. Others have a quite opposite loss, and lose their language. They talk all day and it is nothing but nonsense. Both groups are locked from communicating in meaningful ways and frustrated eternally. Therapy may restore some levels of communication but it all depends on several factors. Then there are the strokes that take out your hearing, vision, sections of memory, perceptions, you name it. Some of these people even suffer from a basilar stroke and are stuck with the ever terrifying “locked in” syndrome.

    Of all of these, sure, you might want to hang of for a bit. But after your one person you have spent your life with, the one person who understands you, and the one person you have been fighting through all your daily pain for- they are going to die. Then why fight for more pain? Just go out with dignity and do it together. You can make an event out of it and let those around you know how good it has been and give people some closure.

  • They already have this. It has been around for about 20+ years now and is actually the preferred solution in the west for a very long time. Most of the land mine treaties require it too. On that note, the US and Russia are not signed onto most of those treaties. The US didn’t want to sign due to certain requirements that seemed militarily poor, too much mandatory reporting that seemed like a security risk for leaks, and too restricted, but was fine with the self disabling mines (because who do you think makes most of them?). Russia disagreed because they don’t have the money to switch to new manufacturing and didn’t care if they don’t disable over time.

    The most common design is a UV degrading plastic that will break down over some determined amount of time. Or another method is an internal degrading plastic that degrades over time. Either way the trigger mechanism becomes inert after a while. This has then led to issues with locals harvesting old inactivated mines for their still usable explosives and using it in other things (IEDs)

    There are also some designs with self detonating ones, to mitigate the above problem, but have been met with questionable results. It does stop the issue of explosive harvesting, but now you have a field that randomly explodes and can’t really promise that they all exploded, so there might be some that are still live out there after the locals are told it should be safe.

    There has also been attempts to make remote controlled mines. Mines that can be remotely disabled for friendly troops, then reenabled for defense, then remotely detonated when done with. But there are obvious electronic warfare issues. The concept is basically reattempted then quickly reabandoned about every decade.