It wasn’t a release tho.
Yeah, can you take a “Veteran cybersecurity expert” who doesn’t generally use an adblocker serious?
There’s Audacity & co. for that.
that 30-40 dollar item.
Woah. Weren’t they, what, 2$ a piece before CD?
Investing? You want to sell it again?
Then they are lossless
Vinyl? No, not at all. Pressing the platter is already the lossy part, playing has less dynamic range. Some just like the mechanical part and scratching noises better.
Btw, QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR set to 0 breaks your Qt apps.
Onyx are Androids. But you should debloat/silence them a bit before, same as Kindle/any vendor Droid. And batterx life is not that great.
PocketBook have a more limited app selection (though there’s a Nextcloud app) and their SDK is old. But they’re running pure Linux and are excellent in openness and battery life.
I took a Onyx instead of a Kobo, because Kobo are locked down Androids. Though they are quite open in supported formats too.
So the state should build up more recycling capacity, subsidize it.
Hmm, now if they were forced to export your data, if you don’t agree.
Btw, there should really be some sort of legal “usage license” you can use with other providers, since you don’t own the game you buy. If not, it’s just a scam.
Eh, on console i can just do ssu nano <file>
. Graphical editors are in question.
Kwrite/Kate asks you for password. Seriously, why can’t they all just use pkexec or some abstraction of it?
Sadly, i currently borked all Qt apps on my Gtk setup.
Wasn’t there an rocket concept like that from the 70’s, using the freed electrons for containement or something? I saw it once on Wikipedia and then never found it again.
And 3 to make a sun into a torus.
You shouldn’t use USB sticks as backup storage. They often have the worst flash quality.
deleted by creator
Add sudo insults for good measure.
not a thing.
Ars uses AI now?