Maybe a different form of religion. Not based on a guy with a long white beard but a force that created and keeps order in the universe.
Maybe a different form of religion. Not based on a guy with a long white beard but a force that created and keeps order in the universe.
I honestly don’t remember any specifically. Probably because I’m not political, but I have never “deleted” a down voted comment. It’s phony social media who cares about “votes”
When I read “source” it screams, “reality is apparently not reality unless a source that I like tells me so”
History because history always repeats itself. Human nature never changes so throughout time you will see both the good and bad repeated over and over again. If you think the reality of today is special or new you just haven’t studied history. Bet you don’t know that almost every new advance in technology was initially bashed as “that will never be popular” until it became the standard
The best job to have is the one that you don’t need. I was fortunate enough to retire early from a high stress job. I didn’t hate the job. I just had enough. After 3 months I was bored. Got myself a part time job. And as was mentioned in an earlier comment, if the place burns down I couldn’t care less. I’m always on time, never sick, and good at my mickey mouse part time job because it’s a joke compared to the real job I had. It is fascinating to observe my fellow workers who are all very nice people because for them THIS is their career and for me it’s just a throw away to get out of the house.
bike riding and golf
Being able to play sports (baseball/football) with neighborhood kids. No organizations like today. No parents interfering. No one drove you to the field, you walked there. Everyone got along and there were no overweight kids because everyday you got plenty of outside exercise.
This is sort of like are you thinking with your brain or your cock. There’s usually a bad outcome when your penis over rules your sober brain.
Captain Kirk - of course
Lemmy Shit Post is the best for just a laugh and with little political nonsense
This happens on Lemmy because we don’t have a “flair” method. On reddit you can set up a group for “gun owers” as an example. To post or comment to that group on reddit you have to message the mods and request flair. Your request has to have links to posts or comments that you have made proving that you are a gun owner.
But on lemmy you can set up a “gun owers” group and constantly have people who hate guns posting and commenting. Your only alternative is to remove their posts or comments or ban them.
The advantages of Lemmy are 1) being able to see a modlog and know why your comment or post was removed. 2) Lemmy mods rarely permanently ban people which I believe is a vast improvement over reddit.
Still don’t understand how people continue to “trust” the people who have a long history of predictions that never occurred. It always reminds me of a guy who pays to get “the special picks” for an NFL game. And for years the special picks guy hasn’t ever won a NFL bet
I wouldn’t worry about that. 20 years ago it was predicted by the “experts” that Miami would be under water a decade ago. Nothing has changed.
I do the same thing
So we might actually land some people on Mars before you die
Even though you have a long way to go do you ever think about something that is predicted in the future but figure you will be dead by then
Parties in general are like that for me. And then there are those special days like New Year’s Eve and St. Patricks Day when the police are more focused than ususal on possible drunk driving
Went to a neighborhood party. No driving needed. Home by 10 and out cold by 10:30
BS. But I’ve found that a person’s educational level doesn’t always translate into competency depending on the job. If I could do it all over again I would have gone to school to become an electrian.
It is very accurate. It has been thoroughly documented that many times Russians soldiers were sent out without guns and told to find a gun from another dead Russian.