Stockholm syndrome was made up to cover for police incompetence
Stockholm syndrome was made up to cover for police incompetence
The only Jesse Watters clip I can get behind is the one where his mom tells him how disappointed she is in him for lying to people for profit.
The US also has a tendency of exporting its nonsense to the rest of the world. So it’s not like we’re safe out here watching the clown show.
See Myanmar justifying its 2021 coup d’état by “election fraud” (wonder where they got that idea) and Bolsonaro’s fanbase doing a more violent copycat version of Jan 6 in Brasil as examples.
Oh my god, can’t you let another country suck for a minute without making it about the US?
A gag order has since been lifted. Whether it’s the one that would cover this, I have no bloody clue.
And frankly the fact, you even need to think about which gag order is in effect, is some peak trash reality TV drama. Which figures.
The UK is a joke you can live in.
I love how just a year ago, he was the one to call out FTX.
People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones and all that…
The whole industry seems like a criminal plot at this point.
Well, I’m from a post-USSR country and a substantial part of this was the criminalization of homelessness. Can’t have homeless people, if you lock them up (be it in a prison or asylum).
Then again, just about anyone, who did not conform to the party’s message got locked up. Getting your place bugged at the slightest hint you might be up to something disagreeable and all that good stuff. The secret police could disappear and or beat you up without any real justification.
I hate late-stage capitalism as much as you, but coming from a country that’s been through this, I am extremely reluctant to give the rotten and frankly repugnant USSR regime any credit.
Here’s a springboard article, if you want to do your own research.
The woman, based on whom the term was coined (the psychiatrist never even talked to her) wrote an autobiography “I became Stockholm Syndrome”.
There’s also the works of Allan Wade, a Canadian psychologist, who has talked to the victims throughout his career.
Basically when you’re at the whims of an armed lunatic, you might cozy up to them in order to appease them. The victims were also really afraid of the police coming in and shooting them. Which is pretty justified, considering the police couldn’t even identify the perpetrator before conceding on his demands and bringing in his prison buddy.
The guy with a gun, whom they’ve been talking to for days and has not hurt them in the slightest looked much less dangerous than the impending doom of the police barging in and shooting the wrong person.