Eskating cyclist, gamer and enjoyer of anime. Probably an artist. Also I code sometimes, pretty much just to mod titanfall 2 tho.

Introverted, yet I enjoy discussion to a fault.

  • 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Well they’ll go for the service providers, of course.

    Signal would effectively have to leave the EU market and block any EU users to stay out of hot water.

    The list of privacy-respecting chat apps would become real short real fast, and good luck getting everyone in your life to use one.

    Yeah, I have my own matrix instance, but unless I want to cut off 90% of the people I want to have in my life, I can’t not bridge it to at least telegram and whatsapp.

    It doesn’t matter that this is unenforceable, or that alternatives exists. That simply means that those of us who care will still be able to keep some of our communications secure. But this legal change will still make it impossible to keep all of our communications private. That’s already the case, and this will make it orders of magnitude worse.

    Unenforceable? On an individual level, yes. On a societal level? No. This absolutely can and will enable the monitoring of 99.99% of actual chat activity.

  • There’s also the fact that they can’t tell reality apart from fiction in general, because they don’t understand anything in the first place.

    LLMs have no way of differentiating fantasy RPG elements from IRL things. So they can lose the plot on what is being discussed suddenly, and for seemingly no reason.

    LLMs don’t just “learn” facts from their training data. They learn how to pretend to be thinking, they can mimic but not really comprehend. If there were facts in the training data, it can regurgitate them, but it doesn’t actually know which facts apply to which subjects, or when to not make some up.

  • That is some serious “capitalism can solve anything and therefore will, if only we let it”-type brain rot.

    This “solution” relies on so many assumptions that don’t even begin to hold water.

    Of course any utopian framework for society could deal with every conceivable problem… But in practice they don’t, and always require intentional regulation to a greater or lesser extent in order to prevent harm, because humans are humans.

    This particular potential problem is almost certainly not the kind that simply “solves itself” if you let it.

    And IMO suggesting otherwise is an irresponsible perpetuation of the kind of thinking that has led human civilization to the current reality of millions starving in the next few decades, due to the predictable environmental destruction of arable land in the near future.