I have a fourth generation I7 with 8gb of ram running pfsense. Its free and you can’t beat it for baked in capabilities. I run pfblocker ng and snort to block ads maleware and useless(to me) telemety that my non linux machines send in regularly. Microsoft, Amazon and others. I also have wiregurad for vpn access to my home. You can also install the ntopng package and get really good realtime information on what is going on on your network. For years I used open wrt but the two don’t really compare. If you had to compare, openwrt is like a geo metro and pfsense is like a sports car.
a new non dlink router. Since the should be named f-link for a number of reasons.
I’ve started removing trash sites. I blocked twatter and reddit at my router.
No, no! Dogshit sometimes fertilizes and promotes growth. Microsoft teams is poison.
I was just thinking something like this the other day. I can see what is coming and I know there is a way to make money off of it.
The smart ones exploit it.
We know most of them are stupid.
For shitty reasons. You have to sniff a lot of your own farts to think putting it there is a good idea. Its like they don’t think their crap crashes. I just had to do a net install on two this week in our lab.
The solution is learn them.
Systemd. A tool created in search of problem.
AI is a half cooked baked potato right now. Sure it will keep you fed if you can put up with all the hard lumps in there.
How to do nothing while appearing to.
My daughter the other day told me she misses her HTC phone. I got it for her when she was in her early teens and she could text like lightning with that thing.
Doesn’t count they are all still running.
Good. Qualcomm refuses to make it easy to run linux on their hardware. Instead they try to hide basic information about their processors and chips in the name of selling a license for every little thing.
Just don’t shop at kroger. Problem solved. In some cases this may be the only available store but in those cases the prices are usually higher anyway. No matter the company operating the store
The best routers don’t have any WiFi.