Yes. Most people stop making more when they have enough.
People who don’t stop are already broken and corrupted. They have nothing better to do. No better idea. No other desire. Than to accumulate more. It’s degenerate, sad, to keep wanting more, to feel that hunger when it is already satiated. Like a rat addicted to cocaine, still pushing itself to push the button for more and more.
I wish work profiles were more separate. My company’s work profile ended up locking me out of my phone (including the personal profile) and forced me to wipe and start over with it. They disabled fingerprint unlock and required my unlock password to change monthly, and I got the periodic “you have to change your password NOW” notice while plugged into my car with Android Auto. I couldn’t enter a new password and the phone never unlocked again.
I know, probably a super rare set of circumstances, but I’m not going to allow my work to root my phone again. They can buy me a phone if they need so much control.