That price is way too much. My wife and I use Netflix for hours each day on average. I get significantly more use out of netflix. There is no way I’m paying a website like the verge $7/month when I can get the same new for free from some YouTuber.
That price is way too much. My wife and I use Netflix for hours each day on average. I get significantly more use out of netflix. There is no way I’m paying a website like the verge $7/month when I can get the same new for free from some YouTuber.
Don’t you need nvidia cards to run ai stuff?
I bet it’s because no one truly wants to be on linked in and suck up to their manager.
Now ai can handle the bs writing most people do.
Dude, I am all for people trying and stuff.
I can tell that you are just starting out in the graph game, and that is cool and all. But compare to OP yours looks terrible. I’m not trying to be mean, I’m just trying to save you from the embarrassment.
Take another look at OPs graph and pay attendtion to the different thickness in the lines and the unpredictable curves.
It is absolutely not safe to ride a bike in my city. I live in a third world country and the roads are not lit well, and the busses ride in the bike lanes as if they were not there.
In fact, the bike lane on the cities main road through the city put the turning lanes in the bike lanes, so good luck not getting hit by a car from behind.
I still can’t believe that so many PCs are getting cut off from software updates. Its going to be a huge security issue. There will suddenly be millions of unsecured computers being actively used. I can imagine that this will be allowed to happen.
I think Microsoft is doing this because they want to make the ultimate spy network with copilot or what ever they are calling it now. I really need to figure out how to get a single work app to work on Linux reliably. I use it for like 99% of my work, so a virtual machine is kind of useless. I honestly think I will need to wait for a native version of the app to be developed and who knows if that will happen.
Can you give a tl:dr?
One thing that stopped me from using it is that every single crypto transaction needs to be reported on your US tax return due to the way profits from the coins are taxed in situations where the value increases. It is annoying to have to compile all the data. If that changes, I will probably start using crypto again.
I figured to turn on one drive for my business user account as I was using two computers.
Then I decided, that I didn’t want it to sync the documents folder since I don’t really use it.
The settings told me that it can’t stop syncing the desktop, pictures, or documents folders because they had critical files or something like that.
I just signed out of OneDrive and the problem was solved.
If it was so critical why does everything work after signing out?
I fucking hate using windows.
It’s pretty new, I’d give it a few years before trusting it.
If I’m self hosting it, then I’ll just setup wireguard.
I wish so much that I could browse what’s on a streaming site before signing up.
Apple hardware would like to have a word with you.
My point is that he might not have seen the deer in time to hit the brakes.
I live overseas so I regret giving up my number. I don’t use it often, but it was the best if not only free way to call us numbers.
It’s so hard to get a number.
You have to search for one that’s available and they are almost always not available. And you have to search by area code. They won’t just tell you which numbers are available.
It’s pretty tedious to try and get a Google voice number.
In regards to the deer, it looks like it might have been hard to see for the driver. I remember learning in driversED that it is better to hit the animal instead of swerving to miss it as it might hit a car to your side, so maybe that is what they were thinking?
We use qr-based payments where I live too. I been the qr-codes have to work on all payment platforms which is super convenient.
The only minor gripe is that they charge a small transfer fee if going between banks. Do you have that fee?
I know what I said… so please issue an evacuation.
It’s just fun when they can powertrip/bully others.