Oh god, please don’t make me talk about myself.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Any regrets I have evaporate every time I visit friends who have a kid. Something else is broken or ruined, the kid is constantly vying for attention in increasingly loud and destructive ways, and there’s always at least one shouting match before the night’s out.

    That’s not even to say that I don’t like kids. I just like money, quiet, and a clean house more. Nor do I want to disparage my friends’ parenting skills, god knows it can’t be easy with both parents working FT+. But their non-working lives revolve around their kids now, and I don’t want that for myself. And on top of all that, I can’t imagine making someone else go through this shit as everything seems to be deep in the process of going straight to hell.

  • Well of course they would, it’s literally free money to them, at everyone else’s expense.

    I remember when airlines would just take your fucking bag, no charge. Then everyone got fucking pissy about fuel prices during the great recession and suddenly it’s $15 a bag, and today it’s $30. But carry-ons are free, of course, so now I get to watch two hundred idiots take five minutes apiece to shove their entire wardrobe in an overstuffed bag the wrong way in the overhead bins and miss my connection because every fucking airline is the worst goddamn airline, and nobody cares anymore.