Sorry, we were already on 11, you’re going to have to break those nobs if you want to go higher.
Sorry, we were already on 11, you’re going to have to break those nobs if you want to go higher.
Never forgive, never forget.
What was the primary source of lead consumption in your life?
Well if it’s things like “What is a woman?” and “Why does everybody avoid me?” and “Why is grindr down during my convention?”
There are definitely a few. But they stick to trolling and “Just asking questions” because they’re slimy cowards.
Get fucked. Sucks to suck, asshole.
Pretty sure guns and bombs probably rank higher on worst shit, but okay.
Say, are you an aspiring artist, just out of curiosity?
I think that’s called a redistribution of wealth.
Well, you see. We let those willfully ignorant fucks in the bible belt vote for some reason.
Why wouldn’t you think this? There is no system in place for monitoring those companies, nor is there any type of punishment for if they were to be proven to be doing so. While on the other hand, there are piles of money to be made from advertisers for allowing exactly that to happen.
I’ve personally had things come up as being advertised to me after being NEAR people talking about those items, and I have seen several videos where people show this effect in action.
Frequency illusion is real, but is not reliable enough to repeat over and over, back to back, unlike the advertising.
When, ever, have the capitalist companies prioritized morality over money? Never.
Wow, how do you know so much about what alien technology is capable of?
I mean, how are they supposed to pay the execs millions of dollars if they have to pay the developers to make the game do the thing?
Suuuuper helpful response.
All I know for sure, is that the older I get, the more I realize that every adult I’ve ever known was just a large child in an older body.
Grandma? SUPER old kid. Mom? Older kid.
Nobody knows what the fuck they’re doing here, or what anybody else is doing here. This concept of growing up and suddenly knowing things was a lie perpetuated throughout my entire childhood.
You’re just so dense there’s no point in continuing trying to educate you on your stupid positions. Good luck with life, you’re going to need it.
Did you get bored defending your position, or did you forget that I was comparing christians to (American) republicans? Seems like you’re just trying to change the subject now that you realize none of your idiotic arguments are going to change my position or get me to back down from my assertion that organized religion is specifically a control and money making scheme and useful idiots like you are the only way they perpetuate themselves.
Damn that first sentence is bang on. Except you could replace “Americans” with just “people.”
Just out of curiosity, what do you find so repugnant about republicans? I’m eager to point out the unlimited number of parallels between them and “Christians”.
It’s not suffern… Suh thern
What a loser. Has there ever been a bigger loser? Maybe, but the only contender is Dump.