• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • The common excuse I’ve seen from them is that he was entitled to have all of it.

    Of course, they also freaked out about Biden having a few things from his previous White House stint in his garage around the same time (none of which held a candle to what trump had in quantity or severity), but nevermind that double standard. Trump was allowed because reasons.

  • I’m not in love with democrats, either, don’t get me wrong. I’m far to the left of them.

    I wasn’t always disabled, and had a couple of good decades as a firmware and software developer and UXD, and I built my career from nothing in the late 90s, teaching myself and staying ahead of the curve. I was doing pretty well until about 15 years ago when autoimmune issues started attacking my nervous system, causing seizures and massive GI issues, to the point I literally can’t eat food anymore.

    I HATE not being able to work, and would do literally anything to have my career back.

    But despite how much disdain I have that the democrats aren’t what I wish they would be, fascism is objectively worse in every conceivable way. For me, it’s a matter of life and death.

    I’d rather not have to vote against fascism, but that’s how far the Overton window has shifted, and there were only two choices. We chose wrong.

  • Please do, and thanks for being open-minded. I’m going to copy part of a comment I made from the other day so you know where I’m coming from:

    I’m fully disabled, and most of my friends and family died within the last few years, so I have no support network.

    I’m already struggling to survive, having to choose between food and medicine, and am overdrawn every month. All my savings are gone. I have literally no money to my name, and have been barely staving off homelessness for months. I rely completely on social services now, which trump has vowed to cut.

    I will not survive this administration. My fellow Americans have voted for me to die.

    I’ve spent a lot of time truly learning about how all of this works, because it affects me more than most people. I am not kidding that I’m pretty sure I won’t survive another trump administration. That’s based on objective fact. Things will be getting a lot worse for your parents soon, too, and I’m very sorry for that. We were on track to actually recover and improve our conditions, and that progress will now be reversed.

    I really wish US voters weren’t so susceptible to misinformation and propaganda, but here we are.

  • The economy moves slowly. The impacts on your pocketbook over the last 4 years were a direct result of the tariffs trump imposed during his previous stint in the White House, his absolutely abysmal reaction to Covid, and several other things he and his cronies did during that time.

    Biden fixed much of that, and as a result, inflation in the US slowed so it was less than in other countries that were impacted by many of the same market forces. It was already too much to completely reverse, but it was far better than it would have been otherwise.

    But instead of understanding what actually happened, loads of people seem to think the president can just flip a lever and the whole economy will turn on a dime – despite decades and decades that show that the economy is always better under democrats. Because democrats fix things, so the next republican administration looks good for a few years, then republicans break things, so the next democrat administration looks bad for the first few years. The economy is as nimble as the Titanic.

    So now, the US has voted the same guy back in who wrecked the economy that we’re still feeling the effects of, so he can reverse Biden’s improvements and instead make it far, far worse.

    People’s inability to learn the absolute basics of how the economy works is about to fuck us all.

    e: formatting