I switched to YouTube Music a long time ago and I’m glad I did.
I switched to YouTube Music a long time ago and I’m glad I did.
Sounds like that restaurant was a floor of the backrooms.
Your Apple crap aren’t PCs according to its own marketing.
Not to mention my 9950X could curbstomp both.
Legacy software and games mean that ARM PCs will never be anything more than a niche curiosity.
The ISA wars are long over, and x86 won time and time again.
They’re the ones choosing to make it that way so fine let them segregate themselves. It’s not like we’re entitled to their participation nor do most of us care either way.
No. I don’t talk to strangers without a reason.
They should grow a pair and actually do it like China has.
It’s not nearly as addictive as nicotine or ethanol…
Wine doesn’t support everything and is still broken for a lot of things.
I sense 12 coming soon if MS wants to EOL 10 without losing customers.
It was Microsoft’s kickback to Intel and later Qualcomm.
The European retards say things like this as though they themselves haven’t swung far right lately. Pot meet kettle.
This is just typical America bad copium by the Europoors and internalized hate by American Euroboos.
And what story could he tell to justify letting China get away with the worst incursion into another country since Ukraine and one we promised and accepted money to protect?
I doubt even he can spin it that way. His popularity would plummet and that’s something he cares a lot about since he has a fragile ego.
Lol the biggest reason you’re wrong to make that comparison is that Hong Kong was never its won country. Hong Kong was a British colony and then a Chinese special administrative region (SAR) given a degree of administrative autonomy by the Chinese government voluntarily as part of a treaty with the British. The treaty expired and then China decided to change the rules for Hong Kong.
Taiwan meanwhile was the territory that the Republic of China (RoC aka Nationalist China) held on to when it lost the Chinese Civil War against the People’s Republic of China (PRC aka Communist China) who now control the mainland. The PRC never controlled Taiwan and the RoC government which rules there does not answer to the PRC nor has it ever. The PRC and its Communist Party can claim that Taiwan is a rogue province all they want but that’s a lie. Taiwan is not theirs it was and still is under the government of the ROC even if the ROC has lost the rest of its territory to the PRC since the Civil War and World War 2.
Hong Kong’s city government allowed China to take more direct control because it always answered to China since the British gave it to China. Meanwhile the ROC government in Taiwan has never answered to the PRC and it never will. Opposing the PRC is literally one of the main goals of that government and country and I don’t think there are any major politicians there who want to join the PRC willingly nor would amy such politician be popular there.
Long story short the ROC (Taiwan) and Hong Kong are not even remotely comparable and the former won’t just accept any attempted takeover by the communists.
Trump hates China so he would do it just to show that he’s opposing it.
George Lucas’s writing in the OT was atrocious.
Noclipping into the Backrooms.