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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 7th, 2023

  • I’m not holding my breath for a change in the hegemony over the world towards Russia or China to be any better. I’m not pretending that an 80 year U.S. imperialism has been anything tolerable, either. This is unlike the Biden vs Trump situation, too. When the alluded damage reduction has been the primary damage creation source with such an intensity to create whole regions and families of militant and/or terrorist organizations directly and uncontrollably terrorizing common people, one might wonder if a monolithical state apparatus can be tried as an option for the common folk than a democracy for the privileged.

    In before “tankie” screamed at me, check the start of the paragraph again. All I’m saying is that the PTSD soldier turned cop in your analogue may be keeping the other bullies in line, but is also leading to the creation of more bullies all the while doing the bullying themselves. It is not a floodgate, either. It is another obstacle in the lava of evil that causes the lava to flow from a different channel, not leading to any more further than the other channels while putting a blockade on them.

  • In practicality, and this life-and-death is a matter of practicality rather than preference, betrayal beats zealous genocide support.

    Even as someone from outside, I can say the U.S.’ best bet is Biden again. His international politics are no different than most U.S. presidents that came to office in the last century, but at least U.S. citizens are getting a nice end of the mostly shit-ended sticks for a change. And that goes for all the current immigrant peoples in the U.S., too, although for many the reason for leaving their homes can be traced back to deep-rooted U.S. foreign policy.

    What do they have with Trump? Persecution during immigration while their home countries will be kept bombed to hell or stripped and exploited by the ongoing U.S. policy.

  • Here’s a similar scene from CoD 4: Modern Warfare. Instead of actual tyrant-following, shemag-wearing, AK-touting terrorists among the ruins behind the city/district road sign getting bombed to hell by your U.S. weapons of destruction, for some to masturbate to this killing firepower, there are kids and all the innocent people being put through genocide among those raging fires.

    I’m not saying the games are a bad influence, not at all. But there is a painful discrepancy between how the U.S. weapons are depicted in use vs. how they are actually used.

  • Not even closely. It has arrived, butchered all your neighbors one by one, now it is at the doors of those living in American Dream houses. You were just just chilling in your garden and paying taxes to the machine that was axing all the marginalized groups one by one, until this year when they are finally narrowing the “orthodox” line to leave the white liberal on the marginalized side. Enjoy the last vestige of comfort Biden tries to push for the U.S. citizen while straining your conscious with the suffering elsewhere, as was the accepted American liberal lifestyle for a quarter short of a century now.

    As for the Europeans, don’t be lazy or be apathetic and vote while you still have good candidates. Most of you have abysmal vote percentages because so far your governments kept your individualistic lifestyles untouched. Don’t assume you can keep the peaking fascism tide via shifting Overton Window at bay without showing an almost identical solidarity the right wing shows at every continent on earth. The “Russian propaganda, blackmail, bribery, etc.” is only the beginning. Iran had experienced the same meddling by the U.S. decades ago, the whole Middle East and North Africa have been experiencing it since early 2000 at least. Turkey started going down the same path with Menderes and American influence during the cold war in the 60’s, and not even half a century later we have Erdoğan and even worse shariah-law touting coalition parties with him propping up now.

  • I’ve been trying out Mint (Cinnamon) for some months now. I have an AMD Ryzen 5 3600 CPU and an AMD Radeon 6700XT graphics card, both of which work splendidly on Mint out of the box. This installation is my first ever attempt at using Linux, with dual booting on top of it (on the same sdd with partitioning), but I’d say it set up more nicely than any Windows formatting I’ve ever done over the years. Writing the .iso file to a USB drive was a bit different than I’m used to using Rufus for Windows, but Rufus can write it.

    Mint (Cinnamon) is based on Ubuntu, which itself is a massively changed Debian but with still a good compatibility with it on the surface.

    While Arch is great and all, if you are looking for a life-line after years of being a Windows user but finally deciding to not move on to the next Windows version because of all the shit they keep breaking and all the other ad and data mining they do on those versions, Mint is a great starting distro. It gets installed with all the hardware drivers present, for AMD hardware at least but Nvidia should work, too. No need to set up a modern working computer environment with requirement to install anything to get your things working. As long as OS installation goes correctly and it boots up, you are good to go.

    As for regular stuff:

    1. Libre Office is pre installed, and I find it pretty good even tho I had quite the dislike for it before. Select a theme and a layout preset for the toolbar, you are right in your element as if you are continuing to use MS Office.

    2. Gaming with Steam is just turning on one setting in Steam settings, the compatibility tab (Proton), and that’s it. Most games work out of the box. For others, check ProtonDB for what people say about the game. They usually work, or there is a little basic fiddling required at best. I can play Hunt: Showdown with Easy Anti Cheat without a hassle on it. Just another little Proton file installed, that’s all.

    3. For Windows-only programs, you can use Wine. Wine works in the background, and when properly installed, it allows you to just double click any .exes and run them. Programs can be a bit slower than using them on Windows, but most of them work on Linux with Wine if it is what matters to switch from Windows. You can play a lot of non-Steam games through that, too.

    4. Mint has a Microsoft Store-like program repository where you can install programs and their dependencies with one click. This works well most of the time, but sometimes Flatpak versions of these can be problematic. I’ve had Steam, Discord and Wine installed through it, and they had problems to some extent. For these, I switched to grabbing .deb installation files through their own websites, or in the case of Wine, installed through its own instructions on its website using a few terminal commands, which isn’t more complicated than using Registry editor or Group editor in Windows.

    5. Most other common stuff has good alternatives, with downsides or upsides. Switching from MPC to VLC, from Photoshop to Gimp, MS Office to Libre Office, etc. The internet forums have many detailed answers to these, or you can always ask for thoughts yourself. There usually is an alternative most of the time.

    One thing to keep in mind: As Mint Cinnamon is based on Ubuntu, you can use answers for Ubuntu most of the time. However, while using the answers, keep these in mind as a form of cheatsheet when troubleshooting, or looking for implementing things:

    Mint (Cinnamon) v21 and above are based on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS called Jammy, not Ubuntu 20.04 LTS called Focal(?). Almost all answers for 22.04 LTS will work on Mint Cinnamon, and all repositories and programs for it will work on Mint, too. 20.04 LTS, or recent 24.04 LTS, will have compatibility when looking for answers, but they are not directly what you are using.

    Mint Cinnamon also uses Gnome, not KDE, as the desktop environment, so keep that in mind when looking for answers. It also uses X11 of Xorg by default for its base graphics drawing, not Wayland.

  • Oh no, forming your ideas into comprehensible essay format with intersentence connectivity and flow, maybe even splitting into paragraphs, isn’t even close to LLM speech.

    I do form long, connected, split texts and comments, too, but there is a great difference between mine and an LLMs tone, cadence, mood or whatever you wanna call these things.

    For example, humans usually cut corners when forming sentences and paragraphs, even if when forming long ones. We do this via lazy grammar use, unrestricted thesaurus selection, uneven sentence or paragraph lengths, lots of phrase abbreviations e.g. “tbh”, lax use of punctuations e.g. “(ChatGPT?)”, which also is a substitution for a whole question sentence.

    Also, the bland, upbeat and respecting tone the bots mimic from long-thought essays is never kept up in spontaneous writing/typing. Dead giveaway of a script-speech than genuine, on-point and assuming human interaction.

    Us LLMs can’t do these with rather simple reverse-jenga syntax and semantics forming, with simple formal pragmatics sprinkled, yet. The wild west, very expansive, extended pragmatics of a language is where the real shit is at.

  • UN is a political entity as you have hinted before in your previous comment. A state existing can best be measured by its acceptance through the UN usually, but even then one of the 5 imperialist powers can veto a state’s recognizance proposal on their whims, and this completely nullifies it as a dependable metric. It comes to the example “All animals are equal, but some are more equal.” from Animal Farm without any complexity governing it at all. It just doesn’t cause many wars currently, although it does not help ease the stressful atmosphere. And where it causes war and suffering due to some imperial power on the other side of the planet exerting undue and unfair power over the peaceful talks between the sides, it becomes hell on Earth.

    It is not better than the previous system if the already powerful can exert influence and claim interest in a local conflict it is not anywhere nearly part of. The strong still strongarm land-grab and killing, without the borders on the map not changing to their own name, but their pawns’. Adding a subterfuge element to it does not make the lives of the victims of the exploited region any more better, just suffocates through removal of oxygen rather than outright stabbing. In the case of Palestine, openly turns it into a concentration camp.

    If only the US didn’t veto any remotely fair resolution, or failing that proposals for heavy military sanctions against Israel for its genocide, the world could easily have ended this conflict decades ago. US could keep aiding Israel with technology and supplies related to prosperity rather than for one-sided war. Israel could still be a major powerhouse if their sugar mommy wanted, without having to actively expand land and kill innocent babies all around.

    How is simply asking for Israel’s statehood to be questioned and scrutinized, in the light of its continued genocide and invasion throughout generations and leaders, is asking for war? No such nation has a right to exist!

  • Original claim is “all of the below can be true: […] c) Israel has a right to exist.”

    My counterpoint is a Israel is a state, states are tools, tools don’t have a right to exist, and harmful tools shouldn’t be kept working so they continue harming people.

    Your counterpoint to mine is “If we reject the UN and international law by rejecting Israel’s right to statehood, we go back to the rule of the strongest.” by which the underlying implication is going backwards in human rights development and betterment of humanity.

    Were you championing that we reject UN and international law, and go back to the rule of the strongest? Or were you just stating that UN and international law attached Israel an undeniable right to statehood? How do you make a connection with this to what I’m saying being possibly liked by Putin, without making any implications, then?

    Please explain yourself.

  • A couple presumptions you make are the very causation for today’s problems:

    1. UN, which deep-seated inequality and over-representation ingrained to it right from its very beginning as giving substantial privileges to 5 WWII winner imperialist powers as permanent members with unconditional veto power, even on resolutions that question their validity, which they have been abusing for as long as the UN existed , as infallible authority.

    2. The international law, which is used by the aforementioned powers to keep the status quo after they drew the borders and partitioned the world according to their greed, and still circumvent to further their agendas without facing repercussions, as infallible, just and fair compromise and authority.

    3. Two-State solution with current borders implied. The original and rejected two-state solution that was forced upon Palestinian territories as peaceful division, that also meant to leave the Arabs with bleak desert and give all the shores and fertile lands to Jewish people, which also gave way to acceptance of way fairer division of land with populations and prosperity in consideration, ended in Zionist terrorists causing a contemporary (mainly cultural) genocide. Later attempt at two-state solution was prefaced with Zionist terrorists giving back the occupied land and agreeing to the fairer share of the land, which didn’t happen. The idea behind recognizing both Palestine and Israel as states never came to fruition, mainly due to Israel wanting unfair share that would result in a de facto infeasible Palestinian statehood. Israel statehood’s only fair foundation is bloodied by their own hands by forcing their statehood with stolen land, off-driven Arabic people, and cultural genocide. Hard to accept such poisonous machines as a useful tool.

    One more thing: The strongest already ousted the previous strongest, demonized them and made them the only focus, all the while making the current rules to ensure their own prosperity. They are also making sure these rules continue to be obeyed by the less powerful by enforcing them with waepons of war and purpose-built indirect weapons like exploitative economic implementations.

    Lastly, Putin has a lot of people like you that think harmful tools be kept harming people for the sake of keeping the tool/machine on. Putin also has his own circumventions of a just and fair, reason and rules based world order, and subsequently suck dick together with all the democratically-elected de facto western hegemons and the ancestral eastern tyrants.

  • The State of Palestine hasn’t been doing more harm than good, at least in a way that it isn’t repaired or kept in check, like continuous genocide and land-grab, is it? You can argue it is run by terrorists and thus it is a malevolent tool, but nevertheless its harm is contained via use of other tools like anti-missile systems and proper border defense. I don’t see anyone equipping Palestine with such defensive weapons, which they can use to defend lives and land against Israel while not having to resort to guerilla tactics that necessarily involve offensive strategies for defense.

    I’m assuming your first thought at the next response would be the pedantic “But Israel produces its own defensive Iron Dome and nobody gives it to them. So should the decades-long oppressed and deliberately-impoverished Palestine do while under the most heavy bombardment since WWII !. That shows the difference between how civilized world and 3rd world savages deal with threats.”.

  • c) Israel has a right to existence and to security

    This has no right to be true. First, a state does not have an intrinsic right to exist. A state is a social tool, crafted to help humans survive and thrive, in coexistence as how it came to be. If tools turn out to be primarily used for war and suffering, they are no longer tools for the betterment of humanity. You can argue Israel stealing more land is a betterment for their people, but the animosity caused during the process is eventually reflecting on the people benefiting from the betterment, both as outside perception and as shifting the thinking of the Israeli people about what is better for humanity, and it is not a good way to go forward.

    The State of Israel is a malfunctioning machine that is spewing out more poison than it is manufacturing goodness. Malfunctioning machines need to be repaired, and if they can’t be, disabled and discarded/recycled, not kept active and doing harm saying they have a right to exist.

  • While I do share your sentiment on most of these points, I think this guide assumes the person with the problem is already in an intrigued state of mind about the problem. Them being interested about the end result doesn’t change this in this matter, as they are interested in getting results AND learning the steps to do that, rather than learning how the steps are constructed by the working of the computer. That applies to computer-literate people (more precisely people who know how to navigate the front-end usually) who are also not related to computer engineering in any time of their lives. They don’t need to know the video player program generates logs, let aside having knowledge about how to read them.

    However, the people with a computer problem but with no interest in learning how to solve it and just would like it to work without their effort, which I assume the guide doesn’t have in mind as target audience, are the type that a lot of people immediately think of when such stuff is mentioned. I’d agree your sentiment applies correctly to this specific type.