Don’t let perfect stand in the way of better I’d say, in the end both companies still need to make a return on investment
Just a gamer, might stream again one day: https://www.twitch.tv/kualdir
Find my socials at http://kualdir.eu/
My only other account: https://feddit.org/u/Kualdir
Don’t let perfect stand in the way of better I’d say, in the end both companies still need to make a return on investment
Germany based: https://www.komoot.com/
I personally never really liked duckduckgo. I’d say Qwant is the better one of the two in terms of results (I use it for work) but for personal use I choose Ecosia for the environmental impact, the results are getting better but not on Qwants level yet
Perhaps send their support an email about it to see what they say
Startpage is also majorly American owned, so good to step away from it!
I use Ecosia for personal use and Qwant for work. So I support both!
Ecosia is my personal choice because of the tree planting as well. But I agree Qwant results are a bit better, which for me only matters while I work.
Its already been mentioned but if you don’t need reviews you can use Here WeGo maps. Its a good alternative and with more users (who make fixes if something is missing) it’ll get better and better
While an alternative except GOG doesn’t really exist. What you can do is buy your keys from any site linked by https://isthereanydeal.com/
These sites sell keys but money still goes to the developer, its just that steam does not get a cut and the companies on there do.
The companies that I know for a fact are EU based Greenman and Fanatical (UK), Gamesplanet (France)
There’s also GamersGate (Swedish)
Currently just using infomaniaks free hosting tier. Might look into this if I ever start paying for hosting. Thanks!
All key sellers on http://isthereanydeal.com/ benefit the developer
Its better to pirate than buy from sites like G2A and kinguin where you could also sell your keys cause those are mostly fraudulent.
Personally I try to go towards store brands for almost anything.
I’m from the Netherlands and currently shop and Jumbo the most. My drinks are all Jumbo, most food is as well. I even have shampoo and bodywash from them. Its all good quality (their conditioner is actually better than an 8 euro branded one for my hair) and much cheaper. They even source their chocolate through Tony Chocolony so even that is ethical.
The only replacement I haven’t been able to find sadly is something for my Kellogs Choco Pops (the store brand are plastic in comparison) but its something I can live without so I’m finishing what I have (I had stock) and after that will be trying out random ones.
In the end I’d also like to remind everyone: Don’t let perfect stand in the way of good. You do not need to pay attention to everything you buy, just make changes where you can in the long term. We’re in a marathon not a sprint.
Ok so this is not entirely answering your question (as other comments already provided the alternatives I’d give for cola) but I had this issue as well and tackled it another way:
I looked into buying other types of soda like Ice Tea Sparkling. I personally really don’t like any cola that’s not coca cola but have just replaced it with Ice Tea Sparkling and Lemon-Lime drinks from the store brand of the store I shop at (Initially Lipton and Sprite, now store brand since my move to BuyFromEU). Perhaps this could be interesting to you as well.
Nothing (UK), Withings (French) and Polar (Finnish) are some great brands to check out
I did find out and do sorta use it now! Still don’t agree with the name though
Understandable, most car companies have garbage software (the Yaris I drive now included). Tesla is just leagues ahead at this point and I hope VW is gonna improve a lot looking at their mockups
I really don’t mind it, having driven a Tesla for a year it wasn’t bad at all.
Great list, for second hand you can also add Vinted (they have more than just clothes)
Its actually insane how big the VW group is. Currently have a Toyota Yaris Active (company car) and its quite a good car. Looking to get a VW as a next company car but nothing is beating the lease price I got for this Yaris as of yet.
I know in the NL we have Easytoys (which generously advertises. so take in mind their price is probably higher than competition), they’re active in quite a lot of EU countries I just don’t know which ones specifically
Why is that?