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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023

  • Listen, I’m far from a Trump fan. And I don’t think he personally did anything productive ever personally. But facts are facts - his administration DID do a lot to help (or at least that was my personal experience). As one single example of many, I personally got help from warp speed White House / military folks to get me critical parts from the other side of the world in a little over a day. Asia to my doorstep, Friday end of day to Sunday morning. I thought I’d have to go to the port and pick it up - nope right to my damn hands. That one simple act literally got that vaccine into people about 2-3 weeks earlier.

    It’s baffling - they did good things. Not all the good things, but good things nonetheless. And he was in a position to take credit for the whole thing, deserved or not and put a big feather in his cap. And then, all of a sudden, “vaccines are bad”. It’s like you can’t make this shit up. If he was smart he’d take that one thing and rile up his base with how amazing he is, and then get away with murder behind their backs. But instead he punches the gift horse in the mouth.

    That’s how I know he’s not very smart.

  • They really are screwing it up. I’ve long been a proponent of dual booting. Yes I spend 99% of my time in linux, but I’ve always kept a windows drive going for the things that I’m just too lazy to get working. RGB lights, nicehash miner, exact audio copy, my aio cooler’s nzxt software for its blingy screen, the very off chance game that’s got a couple of glitches.

    But like now, I don’t even want that OS on my PC. Even sitting on a drive that I hardly ever boot from. I view my password vault and it takes a screenshot of my credentials? Does it grab my bitcoin wallet too? At what point does windows 11 start scanning my local files simply because I booted the OS? When does it start scanning my other drives and OSs?

    They just can’t be trusted anymore. And the fact that I’m actively solving the above mentioned pains in Linux and actively working to deleting the dual boot win11 os…. Well… when lazy people start doing work against you - you’ve screwed yourself.

  • I was rocking an iPhone 6. Yes, a 6. My wife had an xs max - two weeks ago she dropped it and it smashed. We went and bought a pair of iPhone 15 pro max phones, fully loaded.

    1. they are ridiculously expensive - over 2k a piece. Most people can’t afford that. What happened to sub $1000 phones?
    2. yes there’s a lot of improvements over the 6. But the 6 still functioned perfectly - albeit a bit slowly
    3. the only improvement I can tell as a user over the xs max is the cameras. They are arguably better. Otherwise it’s the same phone.
    4. the software is nearly identical on all three versions. There’s not many “ooo this one does xyz like this, and that’s an improvement”

    Bottom line: there just isn’t a reason to upgrade a phone anymore, unless they break. Sales HAS to go down if the price point stays the same or goes up.