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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: September 22nd, 2021


  • Tbf I do this too but sometimes Windows will shut down after an update and next time I start it it will “configure my PC”, restart once more and then show me the login screen. Doesn’t even take 5 tho. The worst thing however is when I start my laptop and login, just for Windows to decide it’s updating rn. However this is usually happening at work so I suspect that the update server on the domain pushes an urgent security update that can only happen once a user logged in. Still super annoying but doesn’t take more than 5 minutes.

  • I’m worried too but I doubt countries who voted against it will just lie down and turn over. I’m sure local courts will fight this on the grounds of national privacy laws. And just because the EU wishes this to be a thing doesn’t mean it’s happening too. The technological groundwork needs to be developed for this and I can imagine that some service will drag their feet at implementing that. At least that’s my unicorn utopia with rainbows I currently live in to bear this reality 🫠

  • I agree with you. I’m a fairly new Linux User and I start to run into these issues too. I think Linux just lends itself to projects that require you to google. It’s the endless fallacy of “Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should”
    However if we apply the average user use case: (A laptop to do light surfing, consuming media, and writing Emails) Linux can run (mostly) perfectly fine. (If you choose a reasonable Distro, not Arch). Personally I run Fedora with Gnome.(Realistically Ubuntu is a better choice for average users) Most major apps work via flatpacks and update centrally from the app store. They work out of the box. Firefox, Thunderbird, Only Office, Spotify what more does a Luser need?
    Now granted one thing that does not work is legal streaming. No DRM Protection means no HD, High bit rate streaming. So you need to fall back to sailing the high seas. Power management works out of the box for example under Fedora. Never charges over 80% notifies me at 20% Sure having a better looking login screen, would be nice, but do I really care? Sure emulating a 20 year old Windows game would be cool but I can’t expect to run that as is on Linux. Sure a better weather app in the notification bar would be great but I know that my local weather is never accurate anyway.

    I’d say for most Luser cases Linux will work out, just don’t make the mistake of thinking it’s a proper workstation.

  • I don’t think they have the capabilities is my guess. It’s understandable they don’t want to, it’s gonna be dangerous af. Politically speaking a UN Occupation and Peace Force would be the best way forward. Best from a country that is far away. China is not a bad contender. They have the resources and could gain valuable trade posts as well as prove their value as a world power they so desperately want to be. Philippines might also not be a bad choice they already have experience in UN Missions in Africa. Other choices could be a lot of states that have no geographical connection and don’t belong to the “west” to avoid it seeming like some (post) imperialistic occupation.