That people in the Netherlands actually buy Heineken’s makes me thing that they must like skunky beer there.
That people in the Netherlands actually buy Heineken’s makes me thing that they must like skunky beer there.
I have a non-Anglo surname, so I’m getting a passport card I can keep in my wallet.
Deporting him to Haiti would be hilarious.
He hates queers because he wants queers to fuck him. And that inner conflict upsets him
Henry Ford actually had some good ideas himself. Elon steals all his ideas.
Dumbass Oligarch complains about having to watch what they say.
I seem to remember that Switzerland has a history of profiting from their relationships with Nazi’s. Thus they might not be a good source of advice as to what to do about Nazi’s.
Yup. It’s TOTAL bullshit. I felt like I was in some place like Pakistan where they keep the booze locked up and you have to tell them how many Units you require and then they go and get it for you. But worse, because they never fucking get it for you at lockup Target.
Honestly, the most humane and least distasteful solution is to dispossess the billionaires of their billions. Not a drop of their blood need to be shed, should this be done.
The evidence so far is that the primary response of the heinously rich when they fear for their lives is to spend more or much more on their security and their politicians rather than to change their evil greedy behavior at all. Those looking for any real solution to oligarchs need to consider this fact when evaluating what should be done.
Walmart usually has enough human cashiers such that you don’t have to use those infernal self-checkout kiosks
Target near me has all the booze locked up. They have a button you can press to get an employee to open the cases for you to buy something. I waited 10 minutes for someone to come and open up the case to buy a bottle of Campari. Nobody ever showed up. I wrote Target to tell them I’ll be looking elsewhere from now on for any item they keep in a case.
I retired. Retiring worked perfectly!
From NEJM 2018 DOI: 10.1056/NEJMsr1804754 Motor vehicle crashes were the leading cause of death for children and adolescents, representing 20% of all deaths; firearm-related injuries were the second leading cause of death, responsible for 15% of deaths.
Not very much at all. I pretty much have said whatever I wanted to my entire life- as I don’t GAFF what other people think.
My question is “How did they tell she was demented?”
Furthermore, a certain mediocre Democratic woman senator felt she needed a “me too” scalp to burnish her credentials for a run for president. As a result of her unwarranted sense of her usefulness, one of the best Senators in my lifetime says “fuck this noise” and resigned. While her useless self is still in the senate.
Al Franken comes to mind. Especially because he shouldn’t have resigned
Just one port to rule them all
You Italians have a beer up by Lago di Como called “Spluga” or something like that. It was damned good especially with the wood fired pizza I had there.