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Cake day: June 20th, 2023

  • In a car with ABS, two sets of tyres with different grip will have a different point at which tyres lock up, with grippier tires locking up later and ABS letting the brakes bite harder before acting.

    Now a harder question is whether a tyre with less rolling resistance will be less grippy. All things equal, yes, it will. Tyres grip by deforming and creating friction in the contact patch, and the point of these tyres is to reduce friction.

    To make up for this, manufacturers use clever designs (e.g. where tyres can deform more under certain conditions) so that they can retain characteristics similar to tyres with more rolling resistance. Of course, everything in engineering is a compromise, which means that A) these tyres are more expensive because of the additional complexity and B) the design and materials science can only go so far and they have indeed slightly less grip; otherwise all the tyres would be like this.

    As an anecdote, Toyota sold the GR86 with Michelin Energy Saver tyres fitted as standard (in Europe at least) for “grip” reasons: they allowed the car to drift at really low speeds (some car journalists commented that it was remarkably easy to take roundabouts sideways at legal speeds).

  • That middle paragraph is very misleading. It’s Generative AI as a service that is actively harmful to the environment. Having a 15 W chip to do tasks like erasing objects from a photo is not any more harmful to the environment than a GPU that uses 15W. In fact, NPUs can be more efficient at some tasks than GPUs.

    The problem is opening your phone/browser, and being able to call on demand GPT-4 to wake up a cluster of 128 Nvidia A100s operating at around 300-400W each. That’s 51.2 kW.

    Now you can draw some positives and negatives from that figure, such as

    • Given that an iPhone 15 Pro’s A17 has a thermal design power of 8 W, GPT-4 on the server is about 6400 more energy intensive than anything you can do on an iPhone. 10 seconds of GPT need a similar amount of energy to an iPhone 15 Pro operating flat out at maximum power for 18 hours. Now in those 10 seconds, OpenAI says they “handle multiple user queries simultaneously”, but still - we’re feeding the machine.
    • 51.2 kW is also roughly how much power a large SUV needs to roll at constant speed on a motorway. Each of those large clusters uses a similar amount of energy to a single 7-seater SUV, but serving many users at the same time. Plus unlike cars, a large portion of their energy usage comes from renewables. So yes, I agree that it’s a significant impact but largely overrepresented and we have bigger fish to fry; personal transport is a way bigger issue.

  • I agree with the philosophy, but not with the approach.

    If you own/make the OS, and you know that the registry can get orphan entries which slow down the system, don’t wait for the user to open an “optimisation app” to clean that up. Just make sure the registry is cleaned transparently and in the background.

    This seems to me like a tactic to get less tech-savvy people to accidentally set Edge as their browser and ensure their Ads and Microsoft’s tracking is working as the mothership mandates. Worst part is we have evidence to think I’m not being the slightest bit cynical here…

  • I worked for Airbus for 3-4 years. I wasn’t wildly happy with how many things are done, but when I read news about Boeing I routinely think “woah, that’s wild”.

    I only get on a Boeing plane if there is no other option. It’s not a case of voting with your wallet in an “I won’t buy a phone without a headphone jack” situation, but a serious safety matter. Many of their decisions (particularly the MCAS / MAX8 fiasco) are absolutely insane. They might rectify whatever they want, but as semi-informed passengers I don’t see how we can trust that the current board is prioritising safety over shareholders…

  • And so is straight male-focused porn. We men seemingly are not attractive, other than for perfume ads. It’s unbelievable gender roles are still so strongly coded in 20204. Women must be pretty, men must buy products where women look pretty in ads. Men don’t look pretty and women don’t buy products - they clean the house and care for the kids.

    I’m aware of how much I’m extrapolating, but a lot of this is the subtext under “they’ll make porn of your sisters and daughters” but leaving out of the thought train your good looking brother/son, when that’d be just as hurtful for them and yourself.

  • I have a surface pro x. I can’t install Google drive on windows. I can’t install Linux. Affinity apps don’t get graphics acceleration because of some missing directX support. Neither does Blender, or Fusion360. Darktable and Rawtherapee only work under emulation. How is this a $1000+ laptop? All those things work flawlessly on an underspecced base MacBook air with 8GB of RAM (up until you need to use all the ram to keep five chrome tabs open anyway).

    I know there’s some hyperbole here, but my point still stands: the author is right when they said that Microsoft hasn’t given up… Because it feels they’re not even trying. Apple said EVERYBODY MAKE ARM APPS NOW, and compatibility problems lasted a year. Not ten years.

  • Well it might be off, as there are other factors, but I wasn’t meaning it as hyperbole - road damage is proportional to the fourth power of axle weight, and a typical bus weighs about 10 times the weight of a compact, so damage would be roughly 10^4 times larger. This is called the “Generalised Fourth Power Law” and there are tons of links about it:


    (Which btw, you can apply the other way and state that you need an insane amount of bicycles to match the road damage of a single car).

    If they took the top end bracket of SUV weights and the bottom end of bus weights, they could have reached vastly different numbers. I used 1800 kg (large sedan or compact SUV) and 18000 kg for a bus (the mercedes Benz citaro starts at roughly 18500 kg), to keep the numbers simple.

  • I put the blame on Microsoft here. I am more pro-ARM than I’m pro Apple; I had a surface pro X and ended up giving up on it because Microsoft has put zero effort into enticing developers to make ARM versions of their apps. Google drive still doesn’t have a functioning app (!!) for Windows on ARM, which at this point has existed for over 10 years. (Emulation doesn’t help here as it needs drivers).

    In contrast, Mac has had apps since basically day 1 of Apple Silicon, and ARM support in Linux has been pretty good for years.

  • Well that’s the point I was making with my comment. “We don’t need different cars” is just the wrong statement. We need to redesign our cities from the ground up to be planned around people, not cars. But that is going to take a good 50 years, assuming a decent amount of effort goes into it. We don’t have 50 years. We need better cars in the meantime, not just to ignore the problem they are until we reach the year-2100 utopia where everyone can travel in bicycles and hoverboards.