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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: April 2nd, 2024

  • Because the point is to scare you. “Breaking news president buys crack” is not as scary as “Breaking news president axe murders cabinet.”

    The ruling is not good, but it’s not Seal Team Six executes its political rival bad. It’s more likely to be President sells nuke secrets to Saudi Arabia under the new official “I Get to Sell Nuclear Secrets to Saudi Arabia Act” he just made up right now.

  • I am not saying there isn’t politics involved, all I am saying is he was smoking drugs and bought a gun. The frequency of prosecution does not change the fact that it’s against the law. If I am not mistaken, I am often mistaken so correct me if I am, he took pictures of himself doing drugs that have landed him in this particular circumstance. The question was “Is Hunter Biden being prosecuted because of politics?” The way I see it politics is a causal factor, not the root, the root is he wasn’t smart enough to put the camera down when he smoked his dope and created a paper trail by buying a gun that then allowed for some partisan hacks to make a name for themselves.