Learn? LEARN?! What in the last decade has made you think these people learn ANYTHING?
Learn? LEARN?! What in the last decade has made you think these people learn ANYTHING?
It makes me sad that so few games utilized the potential of the WiiU gamepad. There was this game called Zombie U that managed to really show how incredible it could be. There was a mode where players would be in a zombie wave survival arena except 1 player would instead be controlling the spawns via a map on the gamepad. They could see where the other players were, where the weak spots were, and had their own progression tree to unlock better zombies.
Laughs in usenet
Yea, torrents. Sure. Lol.
So a single sycophantic congresswoman from Florida introduces a bill with no budget, no analysis on its feasibility, and no widespread interest from the Republican base; a bill that hasn’t even gone to committee, yet alone be eligible for a vote; and you think that equals “they have the votes for it”?
Jesus fucking Christ, take a few minutes to learn just the bare fucking basics of how the government works. There’s a Schoolhouse Rock video that even explains it nicely in song form.
ANY congressperson can submit a bill for anything. It doesn’t take much at all. Tomorrow a congressperson could submit a bill saying that nails are illegal and all meat products are to be replaced by stone figurines of Marie Antoinette. It doesn’t mean anything! Congresspeople create this kind of crap literally all the time! It’s not worth talking about until it has slightly more than a snowball’s chance in hell of having support.
Isn’t not providing accessibility options illegal and leaves you open to lawsuits?
Oh what am I saying? I forgot that laws don’t exist for the rich anymore.
People sometimes come up with things they think are clever, but don’t have the time, money, or energy to present them in a meaningful way, so they instead make a shitty AI image of a billboard to get more attention than their words would otherwise.
Most media portrays Nazi’s as evil fascists with a deep, seething hatred towards Jews and other persecuted minorities. However, Hans Landa is so unsettling because he doesn’t hate the Jews. We aren’t watching someone driven by emotion or even personal ambition. No, this man does his job for the simple reason that he’s good at it. He’s precise; clinical. He orders the deaths of the people in hiding as casually and as detached as someone tidying up their desk space.
And that’s what makes it all the more terrifying. It’s seeing man incredibly skilled at his craft, who takes pleasure in the simple act of a job well done; it just happens that the job is hunting human beings. Not only is he not blinded by hatred, but he uses that lack of hatred as a tool to become even more efficient at exterminating them.
That kind of cold detachment sends hardwired signals of danger to the audience. By the end of that scene, you know you are watching a true monster. One that would just as easily shake a man’s hand as he would slit their throat, and never lose a minute of sleep over it.
Can’t get ahold of your friend in Europe and you’re from the US? Just wait until you learn about “handwriting a letter and waiting weeks/months for it to get to them and having to wait even longer for a reply”
It’s what we used to do before everyone found a much faster and more convenient way of doing something through modern technology.
*Your experience may vary
I am miserable for hours after I get up. Definitely not “smooth sailing”
Well the first was overjoyed to have some autonomy back and used his time to play a game of Civ.
deleted by creator
Don’t answer.
Because the CCP will come arrest you if you do?
We could always emulate China and start rounding up our minorities into camps and arresting any citizens who speak out. Would that be better?
I’m still struggling to understand how blowing up a Cybertruck in front of Trump tower is supposed to convey the message that we should remove all liberals from the government and place our support in Trump and Musk. Seems like it conveys the opposite, if anything.
DDG may be better for privacy, but I’ve found their search results to be garbage.
I knew it, glasses are propaganda
The CEO of my company decided to send a holiday E-Card to everyone right before Christmas. I reported it as a phishing attempt and IT just laughed and said it was fine. Apparently I’m the only one that reported it and just… What? An email from outside our organization that claims to be from the CEO and contains a non-descript link to an unknown website? And I’m the only one that saw red flags from that?!
So folks have already explained the stick, but you’re actually somewhat close to one of the ways you can sort of bend the rules of FTL, at least when it comes to a group of photons.
Instead of a stick, imagine a laser on earth pointed at one edge of the moon. Now suddenly shift the laser to the other side of the moon. What happens to the laser point on the moon’s surface?
Well, it still takes light speed (1.3 seconds to the moon) for the movement to take effect, but once it starts, the “point” will “travel” to the other side faster than light. It’s not the same photons; and if you could trace the path of the laser, you’d find that the photons space out so much that there are gaps like a dotted line; but if you had a set of sensors on each side of the moon set up to detect the laser, they would find that the time between the first and second sensor detecting the beam would be faster than what light speed would typically allow.
It’s not exactly practical, and it’s such an edge case that I doubt we can find a good way to use it, but yeah; FTL through arc lengths can kind of be a thing. At least if you tilt your head and squint funny at it.