Because some of the dumbest people in the world are the ones who told them to say it.
Because some of the dumbest people in the world are the ones who told them to say it.
Who told you to say that? Seriously you obviously didn’t think it up yourself since everyone of you sounds the exact same, so who is it who owns you?
Lol, nice try kid
Oh bless your heart. I’m not talking about your online friends who wouldn’t travel across the street to see you. Don’t worry, someday I’m sure someone will be able to tolerate being around you. Run along now.
Lmao, it’s cute how you think you have some moral/ethical high ground here. Wouldn’t be at all surprised if you have this view because no one would want you around no matter where you happened to be. Run along little troll.
Your point?
Careful, your ignorance is showing
The rest of us are looking to you guys for how we should handle the rise of fascists and out of touch governments. Think you guys will be dusting off the old guillotine again anytime soon?
They are likely stealing wages so who gives a shit
This is a terrible fucking idea.
You will learn eventually
No, the standards people are applying to it are the bare minimum for a full self driving system like what musk claims.
Without having looked at any of the subscription changes, my guess is they increased subscription costs with minimal if any increases in offered services. Is that correct?
Lol, wake up man, the free market hasn’t been free for years now.
It’s already bad, they don’t have to do anything to make it bad. The real issue will be if they try to make it so it’s AI or nothing.
Yes because thoughts and prayers has done so much to help people.
And? If they were paid adequately they wouldn’t have too and even if they are paid adequately its their body and their decision.
Fine, don’t use power from nuclear reactors. You can sit in the dark with your bronze age book and talk about how actual positive steps forward are an affront to an ideology from back when people thought the sun rose because it was pulled by a chariot across the sky.
This has to be one of the stupidest takes ive seen. They aren’t innovating, they are making it so things break after set amounts of time, you cant repair it without massive headaches and the expense of proprietary parts, so people end up basically having to buy a new device that is either the exact same or had only a few changes to it but costs more money than the original. That’s not innovation, that’s just a cash grab.
You know. I’m tired of seeing images of ceos and executives who have done none of the work for technologies alongside a picture of said technology. Show me a picture of Devin and the other engineers who spent all the hours figuring it out instead.