Sure, because criticizing one government for a specific set of actions and hand waving the same actions by a subsequent government is so rational.
Sure, because criticizing one government for a specific set of actions and hand waving the same actions by a subsequent government is so rational.
Yeah, because you’re such a shining example…
Wow, quite the flip flop.
So the fact that the LGBTQ+ didn’t get equal rights there until after Fidel’s death isn’t an issue for you?
Claiming you didn’t know it could cause harm isn’t a defense in court in Canada.
Anymore bullshit?
I don’t know about the states, but here in Canada the government takes the position “ignorance of the law is not a defence”.
There’s the argument that you distrubuted it.
Not if it incites violence, causes harm or any of the other carve outs in the first amendment of the USA.
I am aware that the post is supposed to be funny, and you are most likely making a joke, but this is the internet and these sort of disclaimers tend to be necessary.
Except if they were halfway intelligent they wouldn’t have it go automatically to the site.
And when you do this and something goes really wrong criminal charges get laid.
Well, the way it’s written and how some people frame the argument, yeah they should have to be in a militia.
2nd amendment doesn’t talk about private ownership of weapons.
Others can have a distinct problem picking voices out of surrounding noise.
It be better if it was the British museum.
Babylon be actually taking shots at Republicans?
Or am I misreading this?
Go back to bed.