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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • Once again we’re being subject to the deep state’s WOKE agenda! First they tell us that RESPIRATORY ILLNESS and UNPASTURIZED DAIRY PRODUCTS are dangerous to control us and give us gay autism, and now they’re trying to brainwash us by scaring us away from our GOD GIVEN SECOND AMENDMENT RIGHTS!! Little snowflakes scared of a little lead?? Like this little semi-automatic riffle that I had somebody in Tennessee buy for me even though I have no use for it?? Scared of the wittle bullets I’m putting in? Scared of having a cute wittle gun pointed at you? Scared of resting it under your chin, like so? Scared of putting a wittle bit of pressure on the tr

    (disclamer: this was supposed to be a “proverbially shooting yourself turned litteral” joke please don’t ban me)

  • Ethics standard: yes, absolutely

    Term limits: the idea behind the supreme court’s lifetime placement was meant to separate them from the immediate political atmosphere of any given election season (imagine the entire bench being Alito’s and Thomases while Trump was in office). While it’s obvious now that it backfired by instead ingraining one over-powered president’s bullshit for way longer than anyone wants, I’m not sure if I agree that term limits is a “good” solution if we want to keep that intended level of separation. Maybe moving the judiciary to a self-contained governing system similar to the military that doesn’t require allocation from either congress or the president, where a lawyer can become a judge can be appointed to the circuit court, etc, but congress could still oversee the ascension process with their own ethics comitee?

    Tie Dye Robes: this is highest priority

  • Absolutely agree that, at this point, he’s probably right, especially if he were to go all-in on the free market aspect and cut 100% of fossil fuel subsidies. However, it does bug me that he’s clearly ignoring how that “free market economy” produces those oil/gas/coal company vultures to begin with. The primary issue I have against vanilla libertarianism is their insistance that deregulation is a solution to everything when we’re living in a time that’s obviously worse off because of companies and individuals who weren’t being properly regulated.