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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • This is a good write up thanks.

    What bothers me is that in his state of the union address he spent time talking about junk fees with Ticketmaster et. al. (which is a problem) yet never really touched on the bigger problem of housing costs. Nor is there any real push by his administration or the Democrats to address this issue any time soon. Like you I don’t know if this is intentional or ignorance due to his advisors.

    It’s a frustrating place to be because I know that Trump gives even less of a shit about the “poors” and would make things even worse. So a large part of this country’s population will sit in the status quo for a minimum of 4 more years hoping that the next round of elections will bring in something new and progressive.

  • It’s weird that you think that tax money goes directly into the pockets of individual citizens…

    But when the government gets more income it can be used to fund public programs like WIC, CHIPS, Free lunch program for children, help the homeless, improve infrastructure, etc. You know, government working to support it’s population and not let the country become a shit hole.

    If you don’t like how the government is spending the tax money then that is an election argument (vote someone in that supports your views). My way of seeing things is that if this country has given someone the ability to make a 3 comma amount of wealth then arguing that paying back into that system is evil then that person really doesn’t care about anyone but themselves.

  • I’ve seen that with a very conservative former friend. They would send me reel after reel on Instagram of right wing talking heads discussing the “proof” they had that the coivd vaccine was deadly, “proof” that the human soul is placed in the egg at conception, and the LGBTQ+ people were really pedophiles.

    There seemed to be no sense that a 30 second, highly edited reel on instagram could be false. It was telling them what they wanted to hear. The part that annoyed me was that they thought they were debating there position in good faith with these reels. That if they sent enough of them to me I would just say “Wow! you’re right, that reel from Andrew Tate really opened my eyes!”

    We don’t talk any more and I hate that because we were really good friends until about 9 months ago.

  • I know a woman that is a trump supporter. She is also a christian evangelical and has been most of her life.

    I think the reason she is a trump supporter is that her christian education has taught her that there is a hierarchy to reality.

    That men are the protectors - God (a man in her world view) is the head of that

    Women are the providers and submissive to men.

    I think the bravado of trump appeals to her sense of reality, A strong “protector” man in charge. All of his limitations are not for her to question because she is the provider not the questioner.