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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Some background on me, I’m a IT geek, I love technology, I love VR, not a huge fan of apple. I couldn’t understand the use case for the Vision Pro, especially given battery life and other odd little limitations. The hardware sounded absolutely amazing, some incredible features, but Apple really wanted to distance the headset from VR, and instead was pushing this weird idea that you’d just sit and use the head in an Augmented Reality style interface for their eco system. Imagine wearing this thing during your child’s first birthday in order to capture a 3d video.

    It’s a shame, but it’s a solution looking for a problem. If they would have leaned hard into the incredible hardware to be a killer VR headset too, that may have helped a little bit. But as everyone else is saying… I’m not surprised by this outcome.

  • I read that Tesla being Tesla reinvented a ton of very standard components that other car manufacturers have been using for decades. So there are a lot of weird issues with Teslas that you wouldn’t see in a car from an established car maker. It’s Tesla ego which makes them think that they can design component better than a whole industry over decades and decades could.

    When the Model S came out, I thought it was the height of cool, but I wouldn’t consider buying one of their vehicles now. I think the only reason they even kinda did well was that the rest of the car makers were slow to start making EVs that looked decent and were priced reasonably. Now that the big boys are in the game, Tesla has been dropping the price of some of their models to try and stay competitive. But their cars have always had quality assurance issues, and their support isn’t decent at all, since they try to blame customers for things outside of their control.

  • I have people in my life that are terrified he’ll win again. I keep telling them the same thing you said, he he lost in 2020 because people who weren’t hardcore MAGA saw him for what he is and didn’t want him to have a 2nd term. Trump certainly hasn’t converted any more voters to his side since 2020, most likely has lost a ton. People just need to make sure they get out and vote, and I think articles like this are meant to make people think it’s hopeless and stay home.

  • I’ve had right leaning people argue that rich people already pay more dollars into tax systems then he’d ever make in his life time. The more important part is, it’s ridiculous that in generally ultra rich are paying proportionally much less of their earnings into taxes then 99% of people. It’s ridiculous that a single mother just scraping by is paying a bigger chunk then billionaires.

    But I’m beginning to realize the logic behind the relevantly poor defending the mega rich is, the relevantly poor think they could be that rich some day, and don’t want higher taxes to impact that fantasy future.

  • Yeah, I don’t document stuff online. If I see something I’m amused by, I may take a picture of it, but it stays with me. I think this means that when I’m dead, and techno-archeologists are digging through the digital strata, I will not have existed for I didn’t leave a digital foot print. Outside mostly anonymous stuff like Lemmy of course, but nothing posted publicly as my real name.

    People have always loved being able to take a photo using a real camera or disposable while at a concert, or while at the Grand Canyon. The two huge changes were putting high res digital cameras in everyone’s pocket, combined with the more recent idea that anyone can post online and become famous. The latter gives peoples mundane lives an inflated importance, which prompts them to share everything they do. Because of this behavior I think people also feel like, “If I don’t have a video of the fireworks, I can’t prove I was there, did it even happen!?”.

    I don’t expect this to change much, sadly.

  • People absolutely LOVE that line of logic. “Well if Putin were deposed, he’s just be replaced by someone just as bad!!!1111”. In reality, some people are unique set of skills, and who ever would move into Putin’s role wouldn’t have those skills, and wouldn’t make the same decisions as he would have.

    The same thing applies to Trump, he’s uniquely terrible, and none of the other GOP candidates even come close in terms of the type of damage they’d do as president vs what Trump will do. None of those other candidates would unify all the crazy MAGA people like Trump does. So in this instance, he’s singular, he’s terrible, and he really needs to stop being in the spot light, and just fade away. He’s already inflicted more damage on the United States then any foreign enemy could have dreamed of. Another term of that clown would be catastrophic.