Boost for android
Boost for android
The problem with democracy is sometimes the majority legally vote for the checks and balances to be weakened…
Pray, I guess?
Oh it won’t end
It’s a bit like why drilling into a wall might make the lights go out if you hit a cable. Your brain only registers “feeling” in any part of your body because a nerve carried that information to it. The nerves from your lower arm and hand pass your elbow. Hitting the nerve directly causes signals in it which you brain interprets as pain in your fingers. Presumably the nerves for the pinky side of your hand are slightly more exposed.
It would be ok.
“Internet Cafe” mid 90s. Clicked down through yahoo’s directory not really knowing what I was looking for. Found the canonical list of lightbulb jokes. Funny but overall I was quite underwhelmed. Got a print magazine that listed and reviewed websites.
Evolutionarily speaking, threats from outside are an existential threat and need spreading. Good deeds at home are already known by everyone who matters and the ‘reward’ is survival of your children, not you ‘feeling good’. People do ‘hero worship’ though. I think you are downplaying that. Though the influence that comes from such a position probably means people are inclined to cooperate with ‘power’ because it has, de facto, already shown itself to be powerful. Whereas those ‘asking’ for power are necessarily weak.
This is all pop-sci evolutionary psychology so discard at will…
Could it be “if it stops me getting at stuff, copyright bad. If it stops the rich getting richer, copyright good”?
This doesn’t correlate with good developers at all in my experience. If I was to ask one question it would be “tell me about your passion project” or “What’s the last thing you nerded out on?”
hahahahahaha nope.
Have you tried talking in only short amounts that require a response? That could narrow down the specific thing that made them not want to respond. If this is happening all the time with all sorts of people that’s unusual. In your example it’s hard to tell if they were overwhelmed with your talking style or if you offended them or if you missed all signs they were uncomfortable and they felt entitled to be rude to you (without saying) or if you just happen to be encountering people who feel that’s an ok thing to do and it doesn’t really have anything specifically to do with you. Lots of possibilities.
If you want to try an ‘old world’ replacement, the England v France rugby match from 8th Feb (part of the six nations tournament) was great
Ask him to define cooking any way he likes => point out preparing toast falls into that definition => beans on toast is cooking QED
What are the top signs someone’s having a stroke?
Are you not very bright?
Reads like someone took an English Lit major, switched to Philosophy, failed both, and is currently at a STEM major college party talking wank…
It’s that after the wash cycle or after the drying? Pretty normal for towels that are heavy with water to be pinned to the drum after a high spin. But if they don’t then tumble off during drying (or are physically caught on something) then yeah something’s wrong. (You could just try a lower spin cycle)
There are plenty of portable second screens for laptops now. But it seems weird you can’t just hardwire a second laptop without having to resort to internet based screen sharing solutions.
I’m pretty sure in that case the sound alone would kill us…