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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • People keep saying this election is 2016 all over again like that means anything anymore. Newsflash, every election from here on out will be 2016 all over again because it’s to the current DNCs benefit. As long as the republicans keep pushing fascists like trump and like desantis after trump croaks, the the DNC can put forward whoever they want and just keep saying “Vote for our genocidal police state endorsing corporate ass kissing old man or else you’re causing facism!”

    Something needs to be done about it. I don’t know what but this can’t keep happening. And before anyone asks if I’m voting biden, my presidential vote literally doesn’t matter in my state other than for maybe sending a message. The last time MN voted for a republican president was in 1972. Maybe a low amount of votes for biden in a democrat stronghold will send a message to the DNC because MN is going blue regardless.

  • Not really. The correct way to dispose of asbestos is literally to put it in a garbage bag and send it to the dump. As far as a hazardous material it’s only really bad for people. It’s almost entirely chemically inert so it’s actually far less bad for the environment than most of the stuff that winds up in the dump. Even ocasional exposure wont do anything to most people (not that it’s good for you of course). It’s mainly an issue if you work in an industry where you handle it every day.

    I had to do some asbestos remediation in my house a while back (removing plaster filled with it) and I contacted the county about proper disposal. They literally just told me to bag it and huck it in a dumpster.

  • We do have state police. We just also have city police, county police, federal police. They are all seperate and depending on the crime committed different ones will get involved. City or county police will handle your typical day to day policing. State and federal police get involved if the crime crosses county/state lines, happened specifically on state/federal property, or if the county/city police don’t have the resources to deal with it. In theory this means that the higher policing jurisdictions provide oversight over the lower ones and the lower ones can provide more focused efforts onto their specific areas that the higher jurisdictions wouldn’t be able to do. In practice though a cop is a cop and they all cover for each others crimes/inadequacies.