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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2023


  • Backfire?! Backfire?! Are you fucking kidding me legal experts?! So far nothing has fucking backfired for Trump and I highly doubt this will. Just heard the most recent poll numbers after the debate, looks like Trump is ahead and will remain ahead for the foreseeable future. Fuck out of here with that backfire bullshit. It’s been 4 fucking years since this traitor left office and he hasn’t seen an ounce of goddamn accountability and the legal experts want me to believe that this will be the thing? Fuck outta here. Legal experts are contributing to the rise of this fascist fuck. It’s simple, we either vote for Biden or Trump takes over.

    Edit: Rep Doggett (D) Texas is on MSNBC right now calling for Biden to withdraw. Jesus Fucking Christ, we’re sinking the boat ourselves.

  • Trump says a lot of foolish things and half the time he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. But when it comes to his lifelong thirst for vengeance there is no doubt that he means it. And he is now backed by the vast majority of elected Republicans who are clearly slavering at the prospect of taking down their political enemies. They will do it.

    Yet we seem to be sleepwalking right into this scenario. I don’t know what it’s going to take but the sane people of America, including the media, better wake the fuck up before it’s too late.